Chapter Six: The Midnight Encounter

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The night was thick with an eerie stillness as Ivy and Veronica made their way to the college campus courtyard. The moon hung low in the sky, casting long, sinister shadows that danced across the deserted grounds. Ivy’s heart pounded with anticipation and a touch of fear. The mysterious messenger had asked them to meet here at midnight, promising crucial information. But who could this person be, and why had they remained hidden for so long?

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Ivy,” Veronica whispered, her blue eyes scanning the darkness. Her straight black hair fell over her shoulders, blending into the night.

“I know,” Ivy replied, her voice trembling slightly. “But we need answers. We can’t let this opportunity slip away.”

As they approached the center of the courtyard, a figure emerged from the shadows. Ivy’s breath caught in her throat. The figure stepped into the moonlight, revealing a young man with black hair, tan skin, and striking blue eyes that mirrored Veronica’s.

“Anthony?” Veronica’s voice was a mix of shock and confusion. “What are you doing here?”

The young man smiled, his Italian accent unmistakable. “Hello, sorella. It’s been a long time.”

Ivy’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re the messenger?”

Anthony nodded, his expression serious. “I am. I’ve been trying to help you without drawing too much attention to myself. Peter Scott is dangerous, and I couldn’t risk revealing my identity until now.”

Veronica stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and frustration. “Why didn’t you tell me, Anthony? I’ve been worried sick about you.”

Anthony’s face softened. “I’m sorry, Veronica. I had to stay hidden to gather information safely. But now, it’s time you both know the full truth.”

Ivy’s heart raced. “What do you know about Peter Scott and my mother?”

Anthony’s expression darkened, and he glanced around as if checking for unseen dangers. “Let’s sit down. This story isn’t an easy one to tell.”

They found a bench under a large oak tree, its gnarled branches casting twisted shadows on the ground. Anthony began to speak, his voice low and urgent.

“Peter Scott isn’t just a magician with a dark past. He’s been involved in occult practices for years, always seeking more power. When he met your mother, Ivy, he saw an opportunity. Sabrina was talented, kind-hearted, and he knew she would be perfect for his ultimate act—a sacrifice.”

Veronica’s eyes widened with horror. “A sacrifice? You mean...”

Anthony nodded grimly. “Yes. He believed that by sacrificing Sabrina during the disappearing act, he could gain real magical abilities. He performed a ritual, and that’s when your mother vanished.”

Ivy’s blood ran cold, her amber eyes filled with a mix of anger and grief. “So he really did kill her.”

Anthony placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m afraid so. But there’s more. He’s been trying to cover his tracks ever since, and anyone who gets too close to the truth ends up silenced or discredited.”

Veronica’s face hardened with determination. “We need to stop him, Anthony. But how?”

Anthony took a deep breath. “I’ve been gathering evidence. There are documents, recordings, and testimonies from others who have been wronged by Peter. It’s risky, but if we can collect enough proof, we can take him down legally.”

Ivy nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. “We’ll need to be careful. He’s already tried to frame us for attacking him. We can’t give him any more opportunities to turn the law against us.”

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