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"You what? Conan, you begged me for months to have her on tour and now you want her off? What for?" Conan's manager Eddie sighed over the phone.

"I don't know I'm sure she has other things she needs to do back home- I mean she did say she was writing songs and I don't want these performances to stop her from finishing that you know?" Conan replied, knowing that sounded a lot better in his head.

"That's true. You're a good kid Conan but let's be real Cassidy has been stealing all the shows it'll be nice to be in the spotlight for the next few weeks" Eddie chuckles.

"Right yeah...so who's gonna tell her?" Conan asks, drumming his fingers on his knee.

"If you don't want to I'll shoot her a text-"

"Sounds good"


Conan awoke the next morning feeling a wave of nausea wash over him. He braced himself, knowing that Cass was going to be pissed at him. As he moved out of bed and got ready for soundcheck he could only imagine the earful he was going to hear from Cassidy and Delilah who for sure wanted Cass on the tour more than him.

As he walks into the performance center he looks around to see Cassidy sitting in the audience chairs, furrowed eyebrows and a frown on her face as she reads her phone while Cole sits next to her, rubbing her shoulder as he seems to be reading the text with her. Delilah sat on the other side of her and she looked pissed which was sort of expected.

"You're so in for it Conan," Natalia said as she passed by him and picked up her guitar, beginning to tune it.

Conan awkwardly sat beside Delilah. "Hey-"

Delilah turned and when she saw Conan she stood up and motioned him to follow her backstage, Conan sighed and followed her until they were out of earshot of Cassidy and Cole.

Delilah stood with her arms crossed, a concerned look on her face as she addressed Conan. "Conan, is your manager the one kicking Cassidy off the tour, or is it you? It seems like ever since Cole joined the tour, you've been acting weird"

Conan hooked his thumbs through his jean loop and looked down at his shoes. "Delilah you know how much I liked her..and besides openers don't stay the whole time right? She had to leave eventually. End of story"

Delilah sighs and turns away from Conan as an unsettling feeling washes over him.

What has he done?


Cassidy avoided Conan the whole day and it eventually came the time for Cassidy's last performance, she sat at her piano and Conan watched from backstage as she gently played with the keys making a small melody.

"So tonight is my last time on the Superache tour," Cassidy says into her mic as an "aww" falls over the crowd.

"And I just would like to thank Conan Gray- well obviously- for letting me on this tour because it was so worth it to make these memories with you guys" Cassidy smiles as the crowd cheers.

Cassidy still thanked him? After all the shit he put her through? He hoped she wasn't doing this to clear things up for the crowd.

"-And during this tour, I had time to write a song called Fast Times and I hope it's okay to perform it for you guys before it gets released in a month" Cassidy giggles as the crowd screams and cheers.

Conan starts to pay attention as she starts playing the piano and the crowd chatters excitedly among themselves as she begins to sing.

"Sun's up too soon like daylight savings
Mixed emotions are congregating
Picturing us in all these places
Ahead of myself's an understatement
Sky looks so purple, I can taste it
Couple days in, I call you, "Baby"

Three stories up here contemplating
But what the fuck is patience?

These are fast times and fast nights, yeah
No time for rewrites, we couldn't help it
Outlines on bed sides, yeah
Give me a second to forget I ever really meant it. "

Her voice soothed him like no other, no matter how upbeat the song was he always felt so calm under this trance she put him in but it was quickly shortlived as the song ended and she did her final bows, running off stage to see only Conan backstage, giving her a small round of applause.

To his surprise, Cassidy smiles at him, and before she brushes by him her voice rings through his ear.

"Good luck. I'll be in the nosebleeds"

And with that Conan was regretting his decision but it was for sure to late now.


Lilli ❤️‍🩹

evil laughter

i did not proofread this !

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