Perfect? (Part 2)

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"Let's go" I said

We got up and went to where yuuki is. we where looking around seeing if any day class students were out

A bush started to move and we could hear whispers

"I'll get it" yuuki said while jumping down

After she left I sat down and looked at the moon it caught my attention and I didn't take my eyes off of moon

Hanabusa: "WOW!!! Emily looks pretty"

Rima: "yeah"

Ruka: "beautiful"

Senri just smiled

Akatski: "wow"

Kaname: "she looks beautiful"

Zero just starred at her

The rest or the night class just looked at her

Yuuki took the girls camera and took a picture "gotcha" she smiled
Hearing yuuki as she took a picture caught my attention "got what" I asked while tilting my head

I then stood up and went by yuuki and looked at the pictures

"You looked really pretty" said the day class girls

"Thanks" I said while I smiled. they smiled

"We should get you back to the dorm, I'll walk you okay?" I asked while they nodded

I then took the camera from yuuki and gave it to the girls

We started walking but yuuki started whispering to one of the girls and she just nodded while I tilted my head
Then we left
Time skip

We where leaving class and going to the switch over all the girls where lined up

They were screaming so LOUD
"If you don't shut up I will literally kill all of you" I yelled

After that they didn't say a word and I just sat there smiling
The gates opened

"Why is everyone so quiet" hanabusa asked

The girl pointed at me
Hope you liked it =^.^=

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