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On his way home, Blitz's mind was in a loop. What was Stolas wanting to talk to him about? Could it be what happened at Ozzie's? Does he wanna end things? Does he simply just miss him? He couldn't quite figure it out. As he pulled into his parking spot, he just sat there. Not moving a muscle. He took a deep breath, in and out, as he took the keys out of the car.

He got inside his apartment, only to find that Loona was out for the night... again. Blitz grumbled as he went to clean himself up and go to bed. The full moon was on Saturday. This gave him 2 days to prepare himself for what was to happen. As he was just about to settle into bed, he thought that maybe he should bring Stolas some gifts. He did end up in the hospital and never went to visit him so he thought it was only right.

B: I'll just pick up some shit from the store tomorrow. Maybe I'll wrap it up all nice with a bow on top... fuck, that sounds stupid... he would love it though

A faint smile appeared on his face as the thought of Stolas' joy opening the gift. He sat there, just thinking about how this could go really well or just fuck up his whole life. As his thoughts continued, he quickly drifted off to sleep.

Stolas was pondering at his desk, terrified about what he was going to say. He had no idea. All he knew was that this would fix their issues, once and for all...! At least that's what he hoped. Deep down he knew it wasn't going to be that easy... Blitz isn't the best when it comes to being confronted about something, especially like this. As he took a deep breath, he glanced at the box containing the crystal. He figured he should open it, and just see what it looks like.

The crystal was a bright, burning orange that shone in the light. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. As he held the crystal in his hand, he realized there was something else in the box. Ozzie slipped in a heavy duty condom from his factory... Of course. Stolas rolled his eyes to himself, and pushed them into his pocket.

S: What does Ozzie think we might possibly be doing? He does know that I asked for this for a serious purpose... right? Oh well. I guess I should be thankful he gave us something for free. Besides, I'll hopefully need one of these again...


Blitz's shift had just ended, he's at home, putting on his best attire. He's got his gift for Stolas right beside him, all wrapped up and presentable. He slipped a few condoms in his pocket, not knowing how the night was going to end up. He hoped that this conversation was about something good, and not something that could leave a bump in their relationship. He headed to the car, and made his way to Stolas' castle.

Stolas was preparing the house for Blitz's arrival when Stella found Stolas and started pestering him.

Stella: The fuck are YOU doing?

Stolas: it's none of your business, Stella

Stella: it IS my business. This is my house too, you know

Stolas: No, it's actually not. You moved out already, so I'd appreciate it if you would leave.

Stella: I swear, if this is for that stupid FUCKING imp, I'm going to lose it. All you ever do is sleep with that pathetic piece of SHIT.


Before Stolas could even get the words out of his mouth, Stella punched him upside the head. 

Note: Sorry for such a long wait!!! I just got out of school and finally have time to right again! I want to quickly finish this before the episode comes out this week!!! 

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