Battle with the Herrscher Part 1

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In the med bay, Beast was surveying the heart monitor, next to their guest, who was lying in a medical bed, unconscious, covered in bandages.

The X-men were very confused by what she meant: the world is in danger.

Professor Xavier walked over, placing his hand on her forehead, using his psychic power.

Through her mind, he sees fire burning countries, civilians dying, the last was a white hair woman with yellow eyes, smiling evilly grasping the earth, laughing like a maniac.

Xavier wince, as he felt something stab his mind.

"Professor, what do you see?" Scott asked.

Xavier sighed, "Just as I fear, the worst yet to come"

Everyone became confused. Xavier bit his bottom lip, "The humans are in danger, however the entire world is in danger"

"What you mean 'the entire world is in danger'? Wolverine asked, confused and a bit anxious.

Xavier replied with a calm yet fear composer, "The Herrscher of the Void has awakened and has nearly succeed"

Scott, Beast, Angel, and Iceman paled, while the others were confused.


"The Herrscher of the Void?" Firestar asked, feeling a spark of fear.

"Professor, who is the Herrscher of the Void? Why is the world in danger?" Storm asked.

Xavier rubbed his forehead, "Not all mutants have secondary mutations, some have more than one, they are very powerful yet dangerous not to the world, but to themselves. The Herrscher of the Void, she has the power to destroy the world with a snap of her fingers"

The X-men turned pale at the thought of a mutant capable of such power.

Xavier turned to the girl conscious with a serious expression, "I believed our guest knows what is going on"

The girl groaned softly, slowly opening her red eyes, turning to the X-men.

She sees a glimpse of the same woman choking a human to death, manically laughing, "Minerva" she gasped fearfully, scaring the group.

"Who?" Kitty asked, confused.

She looked at them with a panicked look, "She has done it. She destroyed the asian countries"

The X-men had expressions of shock and fear.

"What?" Storm asked, shocked.

"What do you mean 'destroyed the Asian countries'?" Scott asked.

Sunspot rushed in, "Guys! You have to see this"

The scene cuts to the living room, the news channel was playing on the television. A male reporter was announcing the news world wide.

"We interrupted this program with terrible breaking news. Korea, India, and China have been destroyed" He said with a look of sadness. "The scene you're about to see may be disturbing"

The channel switched to the images of the devastating state of the three countries, and the lifeless bodies of people.

The X-men gasped in horror at the destruction of the countries, some had tears threatening to spill from their eyes, and Bailey looked down with regret, unable to save them.

"I-it can't be," Iceman said with horror.

Kitty and Firestar looked to be at the brink of tears at the sight, Magneto was more horrified seeing the dead bodies, as he saw much death during the second world war.

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