Chapter 3

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(Any use of the word pookie was my friend who helped to write this chapter)

Evermore's perspective; 

Red and I had been inseparable since she got released from Bicycle, and today we were making a point. I tangled my fingers in her hair as we interlocked lips and our lips moved in sync for a moment before her tongue traced along my bottom lip slowly. As I pulled away for a moment to breathe, I inhaled the slightly asphyxiating but still lovely scent of Red's cinnamon perfume. 

I had enjoyed having her back so much, so we had really tried to make the most of being together. I sighed as she traced her hands over my sides, fingers landing on the waistband of my jeans. Just as she was undoing the first button, I groaned, picking up my phone from the bedside table, because I'd heard a ping from my phone. 


Calm down Este, I'll be there in five. 

Este 🍷: You live 10 minutes away 

I have my ways...

Este🍷: When will you teach me your witchcraft 😭

I regretfully cupped my hand around Red's face and broke the news that we'd have to continue another time because, like the rest of us, I was severely short on friends, so I had to be good to the only one that would stick around. 

"I'm sorry darling but I need to go, it's an emergency," I said. "Este needs wine," 

"Are you going to make me do this myself?" Red huffed. 

I chuckled at the joke, shrugging in response, and stole one last glance at my girlfriend before rushing out the door to address whatever the fuck Este's emergency was- it better have been good if it was worth interrupting Red and I.

I got in the car and downed the lukewarm remains of my black coffee from this mornings outing, slamming on the gas and taking the short route to Este's house. 

"I'm here, what's the problem," I barged through the side window directly into her room. She looked slightly alarmed at my sudden entrance, which I would have assumed she was getting used to, but apparently some people just rely on a sense of normality, such as entering through the door. She soon got over this initial shock and resumed what I presumed she was doing prior to my entrance, which was crying loudly. 

"Jake's cheating on me," She sobbed. "With my sister," 

"Damn," I nodded, jotting down the information mentally and considering my options. 

"And he ran over dibbles," 

"NOT DIBBLES," I gasped, clapping a hand over my mouth at the horror of the situation. Cheating with a sibling- concerning, break up material, but running over a pet? A family member? Completely unforgivable. "Was it on purpose, and if not, was he remorseful?" 

"It wasn't on purpose b-but he said that she was- she was getting old anyways and he just finished her off," She sniffed.  

I blinked as I watched her break down. Her nose was leaking and tears fell down her cheeks uncontrollably- she was a hot mess. As well as this, judging by the empty bottle on the table, she'd been drinking her expensive wine, the bottles we had stashed away for when we were in need of desperate help, which meant it was bad. 

I wasn't particularly always the best person to come to for comfort, given by my inability to recognise emotions, or more to the point, the fact that my method of comfort was usually revenge. I had been improving with that, as Red did not seem to accept that as adequate, and though it was against what I normally adhered to, I was working on it. 

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