TYS - 14

68 2 0

Word Count: 1020

"We have a missing couple in Mount Vernon, been missing 16 hours. Both are local teachers at the high school." Garcia starts the case presentation. Every now and then I look over at Emily, worried that I scared her. Smiling in case we do lock eyes.

"Any grievances or anything?" I ask, looking at images of a sweet young couple. Garcia shakes her head and is confused as well, "There is nothing out of the ordinary with this couple." JJ poses a question, "Any kind of outside activities that would vouch for an unpopular crowd?" But another shake of Garcia's head shoots down JJ's question.

As Garcia flicks through another photo of the happy couple, I notice something. "Garcia, stop on that photo." I stand up from my chair, wincing slightly and walk over to the screen. "Can anyone identify that little thing right there?" I say with a smile. No one responds. "That right there ladies and gentlemen, is a strap on." I say confidently as I point it out to the team. 

"Garcia? Any local sex clubs or swingers parties?" I say still confidently and somewhat laughing at the fact that no one knew what it was. Walking back to my seat, noticing that Emily is watching me. Looking worried as I slowly lower myself back into my chair. 

I look up at her when I sit down, smiling and mouthing the words "I'm fine." I notice a hint of relief when she sees me smiling. "There is both a sex club and a hidden swingers party." Garcia says after checking her files, "We thinking an undercover? Or stakeout?" I ask looking over at Aaron. He's still absentminded as he agrees blindly. "Sure." 

Taking over for him, just for a second I say to the team, "Leaving in 20, driving. Too close to fly." The team gets up from the table, nodding to you as they leave. JJ, Garcia, Rossi, Morgan and Reid all head out. Emily walks over to my chair, whispering "Be gentle, come find me afterwards." I smile and nod. She pats my shoulder and heads out the door.

"Aaron, look at me please." I say, pleading to him, to pay any amount of attention to my face. "Aaron Tobias* Hotchner, look at me!" I say with a more serious tone before swinging his chair towards me. Grabbing his hand and squeezing it between mine. He finally meets my eye, his eyes are red and teary. "Aaron, I'm ok. I am here." He now can't take his eyes off of me as I stand up to walk over to him. 

I reach my arms out and he stands up in response. I wrap my arms around him, rubbing my hand up and down on his back. "I'm right here, Aaron. I always will be. Now, lead the team. Or I'll call Strauss and become the new chief." I jokingly say as his grip loosens and I let him go.

"Team's getting ready, we'll take two cars. Let someone else drive, doze off for a bit." I say with a bit of worry in my face. He quietly moves out of the room as I take a deep breath in. I always worry about him, he turns off when something happens. One day, it won't end as ok as it did this time.

I walk out of the room, trying to find Emily. I wonder what she wanted to talk about. I finally see her, waiting by JJ's old office. We just use it for storage, JJ prefers being with the rest of the team. Walking towards her, the worry and pain on her face almost makes me tear up.

As I reach the door, she leads me in, shutting the door and closing the blinds. "Prentiss? What's going on?" I ask with confusion on my face. "Maybe you should stay back with Penelope, the doctor cleared you but your still wincing every time I look over at you." I am taken back by what Emily says, shocked. "Prentiss? Are you being serious? You were excited to drive me into work today." 

She sighs and says, "I thought we'd have a easy local case or maybe just a paperwork day."  Worry covers her face, her eyes becoming red and glossy. "Emily, I'll be fine." I say in a serious tone, "Em, I am ok. I promise." I say trying to reassure her that I was ok to go into the field. "I know, I know." She repeats herself, now I'm beginning to worry.

"Agent Prentiss, I am ok." I move closer to her, grabbing her hands and holding them in mine. Our eyes meet, I am slightly looking down at her. She's only a few inches shorter than me, but even that much, I still hold over her. I let go of her hands and placing mine on her cheeks, "I am right here, not going anywhere." I reassure her like I did with Aaron. A single tear falls from her face. 

She edges her face closer, we're only a few centimetres from each other's face. Her facing edging towards mine, our lips meeting.

Her lips touching mine felt like fireworks, bursting into specs of light. Before we could continue, I pull back, "I hate to stop this, but we have a case. Hotch will need us any minute now." She frowns and lands her head onto my chest in defeat. She seems tired, but do I mention it?  "Em, when was the last time you slept?" She sighs in defeat and says, "I haven't been able to properly sleep since the interrogation."I feel bad, she has taken care of me and still hasn't slept properly since the first night. "I'll make sure we're together tonight, you need sleep."

She looks up at me and smiles. I kiss her forehead and the walk her out the door. Grabbing our bags on the way and heading to the cars.


Authors Note: I put Hotch's middle name as Tobias, due to the fact that he doesn't have one. But I think for this story, he deserved one. Let me know if you want me to change it :)

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