All Or Nothing

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Finn's PoV

My phone screen lights up once more. This time, I smile as I see her name on the screen.

Ashley's and Finn's chat

A: hey did you talk to riley after...yk?

F: Yeah, they called me when I got home

A: oh

A: did they say anything about what they've seen?

F: Only that i should be 'careful', blah blah blah

F: Also they kept saying you're my 'sweetheart', yk, best friend saying bullcrap haha

A: yea i bet lmao

Ashley's PoV

His sweetheart... I must admit, I thought of him as more than a friend sometimes, but I only thought it's not so serious... Maybe... 

"Yo, Ash, you still with me? And why is your face all red? Don't tell me you got a boy or something!" I pay no attention to Georgia, one of my fellow gang members, except for a deep sigh of irritation, and keep tapping away on my phone. "Shut up, it ain't like that."

"You've been on that phone for minutes now... Well, if you're that busy with your phone-!" Looking over at Georgia, I scowl at her as she gets out her pack of cigarettes, clenching my fists to not harm her in any way. Starting a fight in a café wouldn't look too good. "Don't. You. Dare." 

She sighs in annoyance. "I'm happy when you're out of the gang. No one to nag about me smoking..." I never told her about my past, but one should at least respect another's icks...

"So, it's official, huh? Your last job with us?" I nod in response. "Yeah. I held my head above water with this for a long time, but, you know, it's time to live a more honest life at some point..." "Good for you, I guess... So, tell me, are ya into someone? You've been smiling at your phone, like, all the time."

The fuck does she care...? "I might be. Why are you asking? We ain't gonna be talking after this job anyway." "You know me, I'm a gossip girl, sooo... Who is it?" I wave off her question. "No one." "WHAT?! Come on, you can't just drop that topic out of nowhere!"

"I can and I will. Anyway, where are the others?" "They're already at the place we're about to hit. It's on Rosenbush Avenue, we'll just wait until the sun goes down." "Got it," I answer with a short nod.

After sunset, Georgia and I meet up with the others in an alleyway. "Well, didn't think the quitter would actually show her face for her last job!" That snarky response from Lori, the gang leader, was met with a middle finger from me. "Whoa, still as feisty," she murmurs in response.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get it over with. What is it this time?" Lori takes me to peek around the alleyway and points to the café across the street... Wait, the café across the street?!

"Y-You can't mean that!" I know that standing against Lori ain't smart, but this time, it's gotta happen! "And why not?" With a deep gulp, I retort, "Because there are people I personally know!"

"Oh, and your boy, too, I suppose?" "Shut up, Georgia!" "I don't know what y'all mean, but you are coming with us! You've been leeching off us all the time while you ain't doing anything!"

Having her all pissed off at me makes me just as pissed. "So what?! What you gonna do?!" "What I'll do? If we ever get caught, we'll snitch on you and you'll go in for a long time while we're free in no time!" 

Snitching just because I don't want to do what Lori and her goons ask... "That's how low you wanna go, huh?" Next thing I know, Lori puts a gun to my head! "I can go way lower, believe me. Now, try me, bitch..." 

Putting my hands up in defeat, I sigh. "Fine. If we all get caught, I will be the one to snitch on you all..." "Good luck with that. It'll be your word against ours. Anyway, let's do this thing." Finn, Emma... I'm so sorry. I can't believe I'm doing this...

"Right... Jill, pick that lock, will ya?" "Not a good idea. There's a bell at the entrance. If we open it, it'll alert everyone in the house. I'd say we'll-!" Suddenly, before I can finish my instructions, Georgia throws a brick through the window! "What the fuck...?!"

Finn's PoV

My eyes open widely as I hear the sound of glass breaking! "What the...?!"

As I run out into the hallway, Ma comes out of her room, as much in a panic as I am. "Did you hear that too?!" "Of course! Let's get down there, quick!" I look after her in a frenzy and scoff in frustration before I decide to follow her. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I tense up as I see who is in that gang of thieves...

Emma's PoV

I look at the criminals before I see a familiar face. She has a new hair color, no glasses, but, that face...

Ashley's PoV

I see the surprise in Finn's eyes and the hurt in Emma's eyes... Guys, I'm so sorry...

"Shit, now, what the fuck you gone and done that for?!" Lori scolds Georgia. "I dunno, I thought it would be faster this way or something!" "Yeah, y'know what?! Fuck this, they're gonna-!" Before Lori can fire a shot at Finn or Emma, I grab her gun and make her fire it against the ceiling!

That reaction, of course, causes some irritation amongst the others. But like I give a shit... "Damn, Ashley, you blew it! Let's get out of here!" While the others run away, I give Finn and Emma a pleading look, indirectly begging for forgiveness. 

Their looks, however, don't change. Understanding this, I hang my head low, tears of regret streaming down my face, and run. I just run, as fast as I can, away from Lori and her goons. Away from Finn and his ma, whose trust in me I've ruined. 

Fleeing into my makeshift home, I slump against the wall and let out all the sobs I held back until now. I just... I can't believe myself...

What have I done?

Finn's PoV

"Oh, man..." Being careful as to not step into the glass shards, I inspect the broken window. "That's gonna cost, that's for sure..."

"Hmph..." I hear my Ma huff behind me before she stomps back into her room. I get her. Really, I do. I've never thought that Ashley would be breaking into the café.

Then again, I've seen the remorse in her eyes. It's almost like she didn't want to do this. Actually, she definitely didn't want to do this. She prevented us from being shot, after all.

Let's hope that I don't have to explain anything to Ma. God knows that's gonna be hell...


The drama just keeps dramaing don't it? Anyway, let's just hope that Emma takes this with a grain of salt...hehe, heh... As if.

This one and the next one are gonna be on the shorter side, btw. Why? Cuz I already know at what moments I should make a cut between chapters, sooooo...

A'ight, ciao!

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