A True King (Narwhal and Boreal)

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains smut, slight angst, and implied sexual assault.

Narwhal has never felt happy. His parents were on the lowest ring, so he had to work gruelingly to get even close to the first ring. He was always seen as "lame" and "worthless" to other IceWings, and he was constantly bullied for his parents being in the lowest ring, but he kept working. Soon enough, he found Princess Tundra, who seemed to be interested in him. They ended up marrying, which shot Narwhal way up to the first ring. He was happy in that moment, or so he thought, but there was still a dreadful feeling inside of him. 

Tundra eventually started to become more... unlikable. She became more egotistical and manipulative, eventually making Narwhal do things he didn't exactly consent to. However, if Narwhal disagreed, she would threaten a divorce, and thus undoing all of the progress Narwhal was working towards. So, he finally agreed. Of course, he loved his children dearly, but he didn't get the choice to, since Tundra ultimately wanted to control everything her family did. She wouldn't allow Narwhal to be by himself for more than five minutes and god forbid be left alone with his own kids. Narwhal felt extremely terrible, not being able to do anything, but this is what he wanted... right? Didn't he ask to be at a high status in the kingdom? Narwhal would ask these questions to himself daily, but never truly knew the answer.

And then of course, Queen Glacier died, and that meant that Tundra and Narwhal would finally inherit the throne, and Narwhal got to claim the title he always wanted. However, he didn't really feel excited for it. He didn't feel anything, actually. It was as if someone gave him a birthday gift he didn't really want, and that's how he felt for the next 10 years of his life, under the cruel rule of Tundra.

Fast forward a couple years, and his son, Winter, seemed to have a best friend. A male best friend. They would always play when Tundra allowed them time, and they seemed to truly enjoy each other's company. Eventually, Winter confessed that he wanted to marry his best friend to both Narwhal and Tundra. Narwhal didn't mind, but Tundra absolutely lost it. She screeched at them both, since being in love with the same gender was illegal in her kingdom, and thus banished Winter from the kingdom. Narwhal didn't see what happened to the other kid, but he never saw him again. 

Fast forward to now. Tundra was dead, and he was working as a sole king. He manage to fix all of the issues, abolishing the homophobia rule as well as a bunch of other ridiculous laws, and effectively made the Ice Kingdom much more accepting and welcoming in less than a day. He started to feel something he hasn't felt in so long, since he was a child, but he didn't know what that was. 

He started seeing one of the IceWing guards: Boreal. He was super muscular, and Narwhal felt a strong urge to get near him every time he saw, or even thought of him. He wanted to run his talon over his muscles, just to see how the felt. Well, eventually at his son, Winter's, wedding, he finally confessed his feelings for him, and they ended up making out. It was in that moment, Narwhal felt an overwhelming amount of happiness. He wanted to keep going, but were interrupted by Winter and his new husband, Qibli coming in. Narwhal wanted to experience that again, even if it was just for a second. 

After they flew back to the Ice Kingdom, Narwhal and Boreal went to the King's room and closed the door. Boreal looked quite anxious.

"So, do you really want me to be king with you? You- you seem pretty anxious about it..." Boreal asks. His voice so deep too. Narwhal was very attracted to everything about this man.

"Yes, I'm sure. I- I'm just really nervous because... well... my last relationship, if you can even call it that, went terribly, so I'm just... a bit scared to try again, you know?" Narwhal smiled sheepishly at him.

"Well, you know you don't have to be in a relationship to run a kingdom, right? You don't have to love if you don't want to," Boreal said.

"Well, yes, but running a kingdom is hard by yourself. At least, if you're trying to think of your people, unlike Tundra. I want what's best for everyone, and it's hard to do that when your whole committee doesn't seem to care about our citizens at all! They only want what's best for the first ring, and not any of the others, it's ridiculous!" Narwhal took a deep breath. "Which is why I need your help. I can't convince my advisors to let me get rid of the ring system-"

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