Story Time

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Y/n POV:

You sigh, looking down at your empty plate. "That was good food, Miss Michonne. Thank you." You say politely. "Well, thank you! Please, just call me Michonne." You nod, clearing your plate.

Afterwards, you feel a sudden urge to go outside. You feel pain, and memories of your family follow you outside. Unbeknownst to you, Carl follows. Unbeknownst to both of you, so does Rick.

Carl POV:

I follow Y/n as she heads outside to the gate. What is she doing? Doesn't she know it's dangerous?! I start to call out, but instead shut my mouth and watch.

She starts to sit down, then sniffles. I notice a tear rolls down her face.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask. Startled, she takes out a knife. When she notices it's me, she stops, putting it down. "S-sorry." She says, starting to cry again.

"You didn't answer my question. Are you okay?" I ask again. "Yeah. I'm fine." She says, wiping a tear away. "Are you sure...? Cuz you don't look fine." You say. "Oh, well, I'm uh- I just...I just miss my family." She replies. After a moment, I sigh, "I miss my mom...she- she died while giving birth to my sister, Judith." I say, sitting down next to her. "Oh, I'm so sorry." My mom and dad split up when I was little. Mom couldn't handle the breakup, so she- she killed herself. I blame myself everyday." "It's not your fault." I say, taking her hand in mine. She blushes. "I- I went to find my dad after she- you know. But then the apocalypse broke out. I looked and looked, until one day-", she paused choking on tears, "I found him....but it was t him I saw, but a husk. A zombie. A walker." She says, bawling again. "Now- you k-know my story." She says finally. I nod, looking at her.

I take her head and lay it in my lap. "Cry what you need out. I'll be here for you...okay?" She nods, then lies there, until finally falling asleep in my lap.

Rick POV:

You stare for a moment, then chuckle to yourself. You walk away, letting them have their privacy.

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