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after some time me and newt headed back to the centre. Once we got there to my suprise there was table set outside next to the garden, enough seats for all the gladers and one big seat which i knew was for me. Minho ran over to me and swung me in a circle. "Happy birthday runner". He put me down and brought me to my seat where everyone else was. Once i sat down everyone shouted "happy birthday". I laughed and began eating my second breakfast, pancakes.. again. "I just wanted to say thank you guys for always being there for me and lets just say im recovering and going into the maze today" gasps happened and i was a tad confused and asked "whats wrong" it was silent then i turned to gally and then he said "your our leader, but your hurt, weak" i slammed my hand on the table and stood up and said angriliy but calmly "thats right i am your leaders but everyone is equal. I run because im fast and know my way around, i lead because i been here longest, learnt our ways, taught our ways. I am not weak. Now i must get in the maze, thank you for this breakfast" and i walked away.

Minho followed me into the maze "y/n.." "keep up" i began running and he followed "yn you arent well". I stopped and faced him and shouted "so what, pain is an illusion. I like running", i lookdd at him one last time before running off. I need to fresh air and i ran my fastest and lost minho. I sat down, sliding down a wall and after hours i heard someone shouting my name "my love" i heard and my heart stopped "newt?" I called back standinf up. He saw me and ran up to me and hugged me, he then held my cheeks and said "yn we gotta go thr maze gonna shut" "wha" i said brfore he cut me off by grabbing my hand to run. We ran and slid through the maze door right before we shut. Everyone was there but gally went up to me and punch me in the face. I lookrd down and noticed the blood and he csme at me again and whilst he did i pushed him on the ground and put a knife to his neck "you almost died and got newt killed looking for you" he said stuggking to breathe "we didnt die, 2 nights in pitch now". I let go of him and people grabbed him and  i headed to my room.

Newt followed me and he had tears in his eyes. I walked into my hut and he grabbed me makikg me turn to him. "What newt?!" "baby.. your bleeding. Comeon talk to me you been so of recently" "you only came here two month ago, before that people suffered, i suffered. I watch people die of pain, saddness but i couldnt have either pain or suffer when i felt the most. Ive been punches more than u know doesnt matter. Now leave i need to think" i felt bad but turned around and heard him walk out

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