Part 34

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                        ♥️~part 34~❤️

Taehyung's eyes slowly opened, groggily taking in his surroundings. He was in his bed, but his head was pounding, and his memories of the previous night were hazy. He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his head, making him wince.

As he lay back down, fragments of the party began to come back to him. He remembered drinking, laughing, and... Ella? He groaned, rubbing his temples. What had he done?

Suddenly, a flash of Lily's face appeared in his mind. He remembered pushing her away, hurting her. His heart raced as he scrambled out of bed, stumbling to his phone. He dialed Lily's number, but it went straight to voicemail.

Taehyung's anxiety grew. He needed to find Lily, apologize, and make things right. He went straight to lily's house and Her family's house was empty, and her phone was disconnected.

Taehyung's eyes widened as the flashback hit him like a wave. He remembered the party, Lily's tears, and her desperate words: "Taehyung, why are you doing this to me? I love you!"

His heart skipped a beat as he felt a pang of regret and longing. He realized that he had hurt the one person who truly loved him, and it was eating away at him.

The memory of Lily's face, her pleading eyes, and her quivering voice played on repeat in his mind. He could feel the weight of his mistakes bearing down on him, and for the first time, he understood the depth of his feelings for Lily.

Taehyung's hands clenched into fists as he vowed to make things right.... Taehyung's determination to find Lily only grew stronger with each passing day. He scoured the city, asking mutual friends and acquaintances if they had any information about her whereabouts. But every lead ended in a dead end, and every phone number he tried went straight to voicemail.

Frustration and desperation began to creep in, but Taehyung refused to give up. He spent sleepless nights thinking of ways to track her down, his mind racing with possibilities. He even considered hiring a private investigator, but something held him back.

As the weeks turned into months, Taehyung's hope began to dwindle. He felt like he was searching for a needle in a haystack, and the uncertainty was eating away at him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost Lily forever, and the thought was unbearable.

One night, as he sat in his darkened room, staring at a photo of Lily, Taehyung broke down in tears. He had never felt such a deep sense of loss and regret. He realized that he had taken Lily for granted, and now she was gone, possibly forever.

The silence was broken only by his sobs, as Taehyung mourned the loss of the love of his life. He knew he had to keep searching, but for now, all he could do was weep for what could have been.

Taehyung's words were a heart-wrenching mixture of longing and resignation. He was torn between the hope that Lily would return and the harsh reality that she was truly gone.

"A part of me will always be waiting for you to come back," he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "The rest knows you are gone; for good." The words hung in the air like a poignant confession, revealing the depth of his love and the pain of his loss.

"But both parts love you," he added, his tears falling like rain. This was the most devastating part – that even though he knew she was gone, his love for her remained unwavering.

The Bad Boy That Stole My Heart ||kth ff 18+☑️Where stories live. Discover now