Chapter 2: Exploring the TARDIS and something happens!

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After a while, The Doctor rubbed his hands. Diamond stood up and shook herself.

"I guess we should take you round the TARDIS, Miss Delilah!" He patted me gently on the shoulder. "Your sister will take you."

Rose huffed. But I knew she didn't mean it.

"Cool!" She said.

"That's sorted, then," said the Doctor happily. "Let's go in."

I held on to Diamond's handle and smiled. "Diamond, forward. Follow The Doctor and Rose."

Diamond started to follow them into the TARDIS. I couldn't wait to go and explore it. It apparently was bigger in the inside.

"Welcome, to the TARDIS, Delilah," said Rose as we walked in. "This room we are currently in is the consal room."

Her voice slightly echoed. I nodded. Then gasped as she put my hands onto the big octagonal consal  in the room. I heard a noise.

"Oh, don't mind me," said the Doctor. "Just playing with my sonnic."

I smiled. "Okay, Doctor!"

Rose patted me gently. "Let Diamond roam a little, Delilah. I can guide you!"

I nodded.

"Diamond," I said. "Sit!"

The dog did so. Then I slid her harness off of her.

"Free!" I said.

Diamond knew that command and started sniffing round. The Doctor laughed with joy.

"That's such a well trained dog," he remarked.

"I know, right?" I asked. "Aww. I think she likes you, Doctor!"

Diamond had managed to get to where the Doctor was standing. She sat there, looking up at the Doctor. Rose was telling me this!

"Go on, girls!" Said The Doctor. "I'll look after Diamond. Tell Delilah about our last trip, Rose. I'm sure she'll be interested."

I nodded. Rose smiled at the Doctor.

"Let's go, Delilah," she said holding my hand.

I grinned and she lead me out.


"Gosh," I said as Rose let me feel what everything looked like. "It is so big in here!"

"I know," said Rose. "And it goes on for miles. But don't worry, I'll be here to help."

I grinned. "So, you went to 2012? What was that like?"

"Very strange," said Rose. "I don't know how to describe what happened."

She took a deep breath. Then it came out. I felt my jaw drop in surprise as she described what happened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A girl drawing people and making them disappear?? Sounds crazy to me!

"How did you get everyone back?" I asked, amazed.

"I had to help the girl fight her nightmares with her mother," said Rose.

I smiled. "Was that hard?"

"Yes," said Rose. "But it paid off."

"Should we go back soon?" I wondered. "Maybe The Doctor has something figured out for the next adventure."

"Okay," said Rose.

We set off back to the consal room.


"Hey girls," said the doctor.

He was sat in a chair, petting Diamond. 

"Hey," I said. "So TARDIS? It's huge!"

"The Doctor told me that it means Time And Relitive Dimentions In Space or something," said Rose."

"She's correct," said the Doctor.

I gasped in awe. "That's so cool!"

Diamond tilted her head and stared at me.

"Diamond wants you, Delilah," laughed the Doctor.

"Come, girl!" I said, patting my knees.

Diamond came over and sat at my feet. We all laughed at her.



Sorry if there are any mistakes in this oone.

And sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Just been very busy. Plus I have watched the new series of Doctor Who.

Hopefully, the next chapter won't be as long waited for.

Wolfie out!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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