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lan :)

lan :)
well after we talked this morning
I went for a run and I
was listening to music and
I had both AirPods in
and wasn't paying attention
so I ran into her literally

lan :)
I mean she was super nice about it
and all but still I felt like an idiot for
not paying attention and running into her
also, it didn't register who
she was when I ran into her,
that didn't click until after she
walked off

el :)
damn but who is she?

lan :)
eliza moore…

el :)
oh, interesting…
she's pretty cool

lan :)
yeah but anyway enough
about my embarrassing moment
meeting her… have you found a
party to take your friends to?

el :)
I have actually
one of my friend's that
is from monaco and lives here currently
is throwing one tonight
and said we could come
so we're just getting ready

lan :)
oh nice
hope you guys have fun
at the party

el :)
yeah I'm excited for them and also
that I get to see my friend again it's been ages
since we've seen each other
like he is my third best friend and
practically the older brother
that I never had, being as I am an only child

lan :)
oooh fun I will
leave you to get ready
since I also have to get ready
as I have a party that I'm going to
tonight as well

el :)
sweet, maybe it's the same
one and we will actually get to meet

lan :)
that would be sick
we need a code word
or something like if we hear it then
we'll know that it’s one of us

el :)
oooh, that is a good idea lan…
So what should it be then?
It has to be something that no one else would
understand why it keeps getting said
(just for the fun of it)

lan :)
You’re so right about that el
It would confuse everyone else but us
so hmmm how about
If I just say el since no one else calls you that
you could just use my guy or something since
you don’t use it normally from what
you've told me and it was one of the
first things you said to me

el :)
okay you know what that works for me
something that only we get the meaning of

lan :)
oh nice, now that we figured that out
I will talk to you later and possibly
meet you later

*+:。.。 🏎️ 。.。:+*

Eliza laughed as she put her phone on charge while she took a shower to get ready for Charlie’s party that night she was excited, she was giving Nat and Mikey the true Monaco experience, she would get to see Charlie again and would possibly meet Lando if they indeed were going to the same party (which they of course were).

She found it funny but also adorable that she was his celebrity crush. But he had no idea that he was talking to her, she knew that she should tell him but didn’t know how thinking that maybe things would change between them after he knew and she didn’t want that, she quite liked the way things were with them currently even if they were only talking and hadn’t been talking for that long either.

Eliza shook her head before she got dressed in casual comfy clothes for now, she was going to change once it was closer to time to leave. She did her make-up and hair and then walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone seeing that it had fully charged, while she was in the shower/doing her hair and make-up.

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