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"You'll never know the psychopath, sitting next to you
You'll never know the murderer, sitting next to you
You'd think: 'How'd I get here sitting next to you?'
But after all I've said, please don't forget."

-Suicide Squad


"IT'S ALL IN MY HEAD." Y/N told herself, "my head, my head, my head, my head my FUCKING HEAD."
Y/N kicked the open trunk sat on her bed over. "Shit."
She walked over to where it lay, now shut, and was pleased to see there was no damage. She had received an urgent owl from her mother and Dumbledore was letting her go back to see the matter, as long as a Professor or other member of staff accompanied her.   Y/N had a feeling she knew what it was about. However, the visit to her family wasn't the thing troubling her the most-

There was a knock on the door, startling Y/N away from her thoughts. Madam Pomfrey stuck her head around the door.

"All right dear? There's no injuries due tonight - I made Sy- Professor Trelawney check - although it may not had been true." She rambled.

Madam Pomfrey always had a soft spot for Y/N, where she was stiff with other students, telling them off whenever they got injured for doing something stupid, she never raised her voice at Y/N, she was the only one who knew about Y/N's past.



House Half-Delacour held, erm, half the Delacour family. Y/N's Mother and  many aunts, uncles and cousins all shared this one house, well, more like a Manor. In fact, Y/N kept forgetting that her Mother had proposed to change the name to Delacour Manor, but nobody was on board; House Half-Delacour was the name that made everything feel like home.


Funny word isn't it? Although, it wasn't home. Not really. You should fall in love with your home, want to spend every second at home. Y/N didn't.

Y/N was confused, she believed home could also be a person, not just a house. She believed that home - in person way - was the person who made you feel like time had stopped, the person who made you forget all bad and make you focus on the highs, the person you were going to fall in love with, build a future with, hell, even marry! But that was where things got complicated.

You see, Y/N's home was with her best friend.
And Y/N M/N Delacour was not in love with Luna (Love)good.

Or so she said. Doubts filling her up, confusion, worry, and to top it all off, her family knew about the Yule Ball. She knew with her Veela charm she could have any guy she wanted, she got asked out on a daily basis at Hogwarts, but it wasn't a guy she wanted. No boy had ever caught her eyes, no boy made her head turn, no boy had made her feel like the only girl in the world.

Nobody had, except her.



Y/N climbed into bed beside Padma Patil, staring absently at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep, like most nights, she lay in bed. An idea struck her, it would never work, but she had to try.

As the heir to House Half-Delacour,she was destined to marry the first man she felt that way for, but when she became of age the family were to pick. That was the curse He-Whom-We-Must-Not-Speak-Of put on the house when Y/N was born. Hint: this was not Voldemort.

She crept out of bed. Filch? Please, she could lock him in a cupboard in a flash, he was scared of her. Peeves? Don't worry about him.

Opening the door to the Fourth Year girls' dormitories, she left the room behind, she went down the stairs and padded across the whole floor until coming to Dumbledore's office.

"Sherbet Lemon?" She tried, the door swung open luckily, but the password was due to change soon.

Curfew had just struck, everyone was tired from the day. Professor Dumbledore was pacing his study.

"Evening, Miss Delacour, to what do I have the pleasure?" He smiled at her over his half-moon spectacles. She honestly hated Dumbledore sometimes, how he always put kids, especially Harry, in trouble.

"I... I need to go to the Muggle world, soon, something's troubling me - you wouldn't get it - and I need the answer. The Muggles have invented something you can find information with, I want to use one."

He peered at her, "Very well. We can arrange this for you after your other sister arrives."

Other. Otherotherotherotherother.

"P-Professor Dumbledore... I only have one sister..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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