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Remember that "movie fan" who insulted the books?

"Ah yes....

They made a good coat."


Veronica Roth writing Allegiant:

John Green: *emerges from the darkness*

John Green: *leans over shoulder*

John Green: *whispers* She's got to go....

John Green: *recedes into shadows*

Veronica Roth:

Veronica Roth: Okay, John Green.


I was wearing my Gryffindor shirt while I was shopping and there was this cute boy wearing a Slytherin hat and we made eye contact and he looked me up and down and said,"Ten points to Gryffindor." and winked at me. Normally I don't like being hit on by damn son, that's the way to do it.


"They're my games and I'll kill who I want to,
Kill who I want to."
-Sang President Snow, probably.


I literally have no self-control when I'm reading books. I will skip 4 paragraphs to read the dialogue, then I'll feel bad and read the paragraphs. It's a vicious cycle.


Can cute boys stop being:

1. Younger than me.

2. 15 years older than me.

3. 9846285831 miles away from me.

4. Taken.

5. Famous.

6. Gay.

7. Fictional.

8. Dead.

9. Dead and fictional.


If I were in The Hunger Games, I would get McDonalds a sponsor but instead of eating the BigMacs they'd send me, I'd use them as bait to trap other people and every time I would kill someone, I would look up at the sky, give a thumbs up and whisper,"I'm lovin' it."


*at the fence*

Four: Dauntless are in charge of guarding the fence.

Tris: *looks out* What's over it?

Newt (The Maze Runner): The Maze.



Tris: I'm sorry who are you?

Newt: Oh.

Newt: Lol, sorry, wrong movie set. *leaves laughing*



Four: As I was saying, no one goes over it.

*Katniss runs up carrying her bow and arrow*

Katniss: Gale, quick, let's leave quick, they're starting a rebellion, lets just leave, they'll never fi- Hey, you're not Gale!!

Katniss: *looks at Four*

Katniss: But you'll do...

Tris: Back off sister.

Katniss: *grumbles and leaves*

Four: *smirks*

Tris:*pushes him over the fence*

Tris: Uriah here I come.....


Katniss: I'm in The Hunger Games

Katniss: A torture Arran where everything and everyone wants to kill me.

Katniss: Oh look, fog.




Katniss:........ I'm gonna touch it.


For someone who reads an awful lot of books which often contains romance, I'm horrible at flirting.

Me: *sees cute boy*

Me: Hey, you wanna go overthrow the government or something? Hunt some demons, kill your evil, genocidal father that destroyed the country....


Citizen: It's a bird!

Citizen: It's a plane!

*Superman flies down with kryptonite between his teeth*

Superman: It's a metaphor.


I'd hit up Barnes and Noble during the purge.

Signs you're a book addict:

1. You're willingly risking your life to get free books.

If someone tries to stop me from getting books.

I won't be the one getting murdered.


Pick up the book closest to you, go to page 206 and read the first line. That describes your love life.


People: How do you know you ship them?

Me: When I see them together, a noise comes out of my mouth that sounds like a dying whale.


Do you ever keyboard smash like:


And think, no that doesn't look right, so you erase and try again.


Ah, yes that's how I'm feeling.


Are you, are you,
Singing this song too,
It's stuck in your head,
There's nothing you can do,
Strange things did happen here,
But no one will admit it,
The truth that,
Are also singing it.


Me: Well, I'm grounded.

Friend: What did you do this time?

Me: Mum asked me to do the laundry and threw a sock at me...

Me: I ran away screaming, "Master has presented Dobby with clothes! Dobby is free!"

Friend: ....


Do you ever just casually slip in quotes from your favourite characters in everyday conversations?



Me at choosing ceremony:

Me: *cuts hand* *tears up* HOLY- OH MY THAT HURT LIKE MOTHER-

Me: *gets blood everywhere* Sorry! Oh my God!

Me: *trips over own foot* GOD DANG IT

Me: *crashes into bowl of hot coals and catches on fire*

Me: *takes Erudite bowl snd pours it over self*

Me: *slips over own blood* OH MY GOD I JUST WANT TO BE DAUNTLESS

Dauntless leader: Go home.

Me: But I'm Dauntless born....


Done! Comment how you think I went, your support is everything.


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