but it's Danish day

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As the girls alarm clock rang in their ears both girls groaned. Vienna got up to turn the alarm clock off, her hair in shambles indicting she had a good night of sleep. Rory then got up quickly checking the time.

"its 5! why is our alarm clock set for 5 in the morning."  Rory yells towards her mother

her mother then enters the room. fully ready. that's unusual, very unusual. "I'm very sorry girls but Vienna has to be at the school an hour early and i have to be to the inn early."

"wait why do i have to be to school an hour early?" Vienna questions 

"i have no clue sweetie" her mom says 

"god i hate this stupid school so so so much!" she says making her bed

"why are your guys' beds combined?" their mom says looking and Ponting towards the two beds that are pushed together

"gossip sesh" Rory says making her bed

"and i wasn't invited? you buttholes" their mom says putting on her famous pouty face 

"were very sorry mom" vi says as she grabs her clothes out of the closet her and Rory share

"hey those are my pants" Rory says trying to grab them from her

"yeah but you have a uniform so you never get to wear them and they're just screaming my name"  vi says sticking her tongue out at her sister

"ugh your annoying" Rory says grabbing her uniform 

"love ya too" vi says blowing kisses at her sister

"ok you two break it up and go get ready" their mom says moving out of their door frame

and with that both girls start sprinting towards the bathrooms. Rory goes to the down stairs one and Vienna goes to the upstairs one. each girl gets ready and at the exact same time, like it was planned or some creepy connection between the two girls they immerged from the bathrooms . 

the girls slipped on their shoes, grabbed their bags and headed for the car where their mother was already waiting for them. Vienna sat in the front seat , Rory in the back just like every morning. 

Lorelai drove to Luke's parking across the street so the car wasn't noticeable if you were eating at the diner or working. the three girls get out and start walking towards the doors of Luke's. 

"didn't you piss Luke off mom?" vi questions curiously 

"why yes i did but its Danish day" lor says as they reach the door

"so your gonna go in and confront the issue?" Rory questions

"no good try kiddo but no I'm not. one of you two will claim that your just extra hungry and get me a Danish and some coffee. got it?" lor says handing the girls 20 dollars

"that's never gonna work" says vi taking the twenty 

"like never ever mom. Luke knows you way too well. he'll see right through it." Rory says shaking her head at her mothers pettiness

"trust me girls with the way you two eat no he wont" their mom reply's well pushing them towards the door

"your the reason we eat like this" vi snaps back at her mom

"yes yes i know and I'm very proud of my accomplishment but right now mommy's too hungry to function right so id really appreciate a Danish and warm sweet cup of Luke delicious coffee."

"yes mom" Rory and Vienna say in unison as they walk into the diner faking a conversation so Luke hopefully gets less suspicious .

Luke looks up from the coffee he's currently brewing and greets the two girls.

"good morning girls, what can i get started?" Luke asks throwing a towel over his shoulder

"one cherry , one strawberry and one lemon Danish please. oh and three cups of coffee, with extra sugar packets." Rory orders pushing the twenty towards Luke.

"so where's your mom?" Luke questions taking the twenty

"at work" Rory lied 

"your lying to me Rory."

"no I'm not"

"yes you are wanna know how i know?"


"first off your moms really bad at hiding i can see her watching you guys out there and second neither of you will eat a lemon Danish or coffee with tons of sugar. Rory you always get the strawberry Danish and you use one pack of sugar, Vienna you may love my lemon pancakes but you hate the  lemon Danish's ,why? i have absolutely no clue. you also only have two packets of sugar. i give two packs per coffee, that's plenty enough for you two. now your mom can either a come in here and face the problem she created or b not get her coffee and Danish this morning. the choice is hers. so how about i sell you two enough for you two and then you go tell your mom and have her either walk her butt in here and get her food or she can go to work hungry. ok?" Luke states 

"Jesus Luke you know a lot about us which also means you know she wont do that." vi says

"yes i do know that but watching her reaction will be priceless. so here's your two Danishes and two cups of coffee."

"oh come on Luke pleaseeeeee." Rory begs

"no that's my final answer."

Rory and vi grab their coffee and Danish's and head towards the door knowing they'll have to be the barer of bad news to their mom. they walk outside and start walking towards their mom.

"where's my Danish and coffee?" their mother asks

"Luke saw right through your little act mom" Rory says sipping her coffee

"seriously" Lorelai says in a panicked anger

"yep he said and i quote "so how about i sell you two enough for you two and then you go tell your mom and have her either walk her butt in here and get her food or she can go to work hungry." so your kind of screwed mom" vi says eating her Danish 

"well I'm not going in there" Lorelai says

"well then your going to work hungry" Rory says

"yes i am" Lorelai says

"ok then I'm gonna head to school" vi says starting to walk across the street

"me too" Rory says following her sister 

"bye girls i love you" Lorelai says 

"we love you too mom" vi says 

"yep love you mom" Rory says

An: i have so many things planned for this story. thank you so much for reading this !

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