Chapter 21

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Olivia realized early on that 'movie night' with Mira and her friends meant very little about the movie and more about the gossip in their lives. She found herself in what Mira called the living room, sitting cross-legged clutching a pillow furthest away from the four girls, watching them carefully as they jabbered away.

She was not used to the banter of the girls. She never had this growing up. Only quiet Sarah in her life was the only gossip she had, which rarely ever occurred unless it was about professors hooking up.

Now Sarah was the gossip in her life.

The movie, Ten Things I Hate About You, played in the background on a large screen. Something that reminded Olivia of a movie theater screen. Large couches and love seats were staggered around the room as if people moved them every so often to fit their needs. The lights were dimmed, but not too dim to be unable to see the details of each girl.

Noel was animated, going on about a girl in her math class. Her vibrant red hair tossed over the arm of the loveseat as her legs dangled over the other. Olivia had quickly realized that Noel, like her hair, was the firecracker of the four. She was blunt, unapologetically honest, and often the loudest voice in the room. Her laughter echoed through the room, mixing with the background noise of the movie.

Next to her, on the same loveseat under Noel's legs, sat Kanna. Kanna's chocolate, curly hair framed her face, her brown eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned in to listen to Noel. She was Noel's opposite in every way. Quiet, spoken only when her thought was carefully crafted, and yet, she had a way of grounding the conversation, bringing it back to reality when it drifted too far into wild speculation.

On the other side of the room, on a plush, oversized couch, sat Mira and Trish. Trish, with her wild curls and infectious energy, was sprawled out beside Mira, her feet tucked under Mira's legs for warmth. Trish was the jokester, always ready with a witty remark or a playful jab. Her laughter was a constant in their gatherings, a reminder that no matter how serious things got, there was always room for joy.

Olivia felt like an outsider, not just because she was new to the group, but because of the secrets that hung heavily on her shoulders.

How many of them were aware of the looming threat? How much of their lives would be affected if they failed to uncover the truth?

Ethan's interrogation was like a splotch of red paint on a pure white canvas, glaring and impossible to ignore. Nothing was said, nothing was done, and Ethan had led them in circles. The only clear indicator of any clue given was the information of an artifact, whatever that was, and the insinuation that Olivia's involvement in this was far, far greater than she realized.

Find it. You can find it. The voice in her head said to her. You know where it is.

How did she know where it was? She didn't even know where she was half the time. And why did she need to find this artifact? Sure, the lives of the supernatural kind were at stake, but Felix seemed hardly bothered by it.

As Olivia sat there, the noise of the movie and the laughter of the girls fading into the background, her thoughts swirled. The voice in her head had been persistent, but the idea that she knew where the artifact was seemed absurd. She felt lost, both in the maze of the pack house and in the complex web of secrets surrounding her.

"Liv?" Mira's voice cut through her thoughts. "You okay? You've been really quiet."

Olivia forced a smile, though it felt strained. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind. I'm sorry if I'm being a buzzkill."

"No way," Trish said, leaning forward with a grin. "You're just mysterious. Adds to your charm."

Olivia laughed lightly, appreciating the effort to make her feel included. "I wouldn't call it mysterious,"

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