24. Life with kids

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Day and Nan's eyes on the screen they are watching curiously.


Keith won 🏆

Nan and Day clap Hands in happiness. Both hug each other.

Tog started jumping in happiness he had no idea but he was so happy.

Emma also clap hands.

"Finally Keith in in the finals" Nan said.

"Now no one can stop him in becoming a national champion" Day said.

Tring Tring

Day's Alam rang *Emma food time*

Day took Emma in his arms to take her inside.

Emma was pulling Day's ears.

Tog got up to follow them inside the house.

"Such a kid he wants to be with Emma then he will cry after getting hit by her" Nan said he sat on computer to check bidding collection and distribution.

Day made Emma sit on the baby Chair.

"Chair Chair" Tog said as it was his Chair.

Day held Tog.

Day went to open the bag with one hand to make some milk for Emma.

Day went to chef to explain the quantity to make Emma the milk.

"Uncle Uncle" Tog said as Day kept eyes on kids together.

Mac Entred seeing Day take care of two kids alone.

Mac took Tog from Day's hands.

Day got milk from chef to feed it to Emma.

Day took Emma in his lap he sat on the couch to feed the girl milk.

Emma kicked Day as she didn't wanted to drink milk at all.

Day captured Emma legs to feed her milk.

Tog also wanted food as Emma was bring feed.

Nathan Noris Itt entred.

"Chef prepare milk for Tog to" Mac said.

"Sir I already prepared" Chef said as he knew looking at Emma Tog will demand milk to.

Nathan Noris looked at Day feeding milk while Emma being playfully and Tog lieing on Mac shoulders.

"This is our life after these cubs come out right" Nathan asked.

Noris nodded.

Mac give Tog the feeding bottle. He took it and started drinking.

Itt's sat beside Day Emma smiled to see Itt.

Emma continued to drink milk.

After some time both kids drafted to sleep as they were feed milk.

Day's lied Emma on the couch after wiping her face of with a wet cloth.

Mac went inside to made Tog sleep on his bed.

All sat on the table.

Keith entred.

"Congratulations bro" Nan saud hugging Keith.

All congrats Keith.

"That's was brilliant boss" Nathan said.

"Thankyou so much easy as a pie" Keith replied.

"Where are the kids" Keith asked.

Mac pointed towards the screen where there was a live telecast of Tog sleeping in the bed.

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