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real life


Getting two drunken people up 4 flights of stairs was no easy task. Ria handled Michela while I tried to help Clark .

"Josephine I can't do it, it's too much work." Clark says as I'm trying to help her, scratch that, basically forcing her up the stairs. "I'm sleepy, you should have let me take a nap on that soft pillow."

I roll my eyes at her. She cannot be serious right now. Girl is a D1 athlete but is complaining about having to walk up 4 flights of stairs.

"Clark." I say trying to keep my cool. She is really starting to piss me off.  "For the last time, that "pillow" was a rose bush. I would have been picking thorns out of your ass for hours." I say rolling my eyes. "And trust me, a bed is much more comfortable."

I'm doing the right thing, I am doing the right thing.

I'm helping a drunk defenseless 6'0 D1 extremely attractive basketball player to my apartment. What can go wrong?

"Can you please just try to walk up the stairs love?" I'm basically pleading with this girl at this point. "Just try, for me."

It takes us like 37 more minutes until we reach Ria and I's apartment. Yes I did time it. What about it?

Ria thankfully left the door unlocked, so I don't waste anymore time getting Clark into our apartment.

We had just reached the 3rd floor when she decided that she was going to be the next Taylor Swift and started belting Love Story. I literally mean screaming at the top of her lungs. Our neighbors definitely hate us.

"Clark you need to be quiet, the girls are sleeping" I say trying to get her to stop singing.

Oh God, why does she look like I just killed her puppy.

"So you are saying i'm not a good singer." She says, tears welling up in her eyes, again.

I seriously hate drunk people.

"You are a beautiful singer love but can you sing silently. Micky is sleeping." I say point at my friends sleeping figure on the couch.

"Yes ma'am" She says saluting me.
She continues to mouth the words to love story until I get her into my room.

"This is your room mystery girl?" she says as jumps onto my bed. "You were right your bed is so much comfier than that pillow." 

"It was a rose bush Clark." I say going into my drawers and grabbing my pjs.

"Are you going to be ok while I take a shower?" I ask her.

Again, she looks like I just killed her puppy. For a girl I met not even 24 hours ago she is so freaking clingy.

"You're leaving me"

"No Clark i'm, going to take a shower" I say trying to reassure her. " I would offer you some of my clothes, but I doubt that they would fit you. I have some of my brothers things if you want some thing else to wear." I say grabbing one of my brothers nike  joggers and old football t-shirt he left from the last time he visited.

"I'm just going to leave them here if you want to change." I say leaving them on the edge of the bed. She just nods at me and grabs my TV remote.

I head into the bathroom and D'M Kate, Jada, and Gabbie, just letting them know that I have Clark and that she is safe. I doubt they are going to see it, considering none of them follow me back but it was worth a shot.

I'm in the bathroom for probably a half an hour, I head back into my room after doing my skin care and getting dressed. I walk into my room to see Caitlin sprawled across my bed, looks like she did change into the clothes I gave her.

I go over to my nightstand to plug my phone in before heading out of my room. I open the door when Caitlin suddenly wakes up.

"Where are you going mystery girl" she says as she rubs her eyes.

"To the couch in the living room, go to sleep Clark"

"No come here, it's your bed, you sleep in it too." She says fully awake now.

I can tell she's still a bit drunk the way her words slur together.

"Clark it's fine, just go to sleep. Goodnight." I say leaving my room and shutting the door behind me.

I barely made it two steps down the hall before I feel two arms pick me up and throw me over their shoulder.

Good lord she really is strong. Why am I kinda turned on right now. Wrong time Jo!

"Clark put me down!" I whisper yell.

She ignores me, heads back into my room, and shuts the door with her free hand. Yes this girl is so strong she is holding me over her shoulder with one hand. Why am I turned on right now. Under different circumstances I would be all over this. Again! Not the time Jo!

She pulls by the covers and gently sets me down onto my bed, then she gets in. She gets into my bed. Caitlin Clark, in my bed. With me in it. Anyway.

"Go to sleep Josie, it's late" She says, breaking the silence.

My heart slightly flutters at the nickname she's given me. No one has called me Josie since I was a little kid.

But she somehow sounds sober now? I'm so confused what's happening.

Before I can even protest her arm is snaking around my waist, and pulling me close to her so we are now spooning? Seriously, what the fuck is happening!

It's not like I can even just like get up now. Whenever I move she tightens her grip. Seriously, different circumstances, ALL OVER THIS.

But hey i'm not complaining, it's just going to be so weird when she wakes up in the morning and sees me next to her. Plus isn't she straight? I'm so confused on what's going on.

But that is a problem for future Jo to deal with. Again but seriously, what the hell is going on?

- Heyyt bitches, don't hate me ok. I know i haven't been updating like, ever. But i love you all! Also, I'm sorry for a kind of shitty chapter. I feel like I talked about so much yet so little😭😭😭

Anyway, I'm gonna try to be more consistent with my updates now that it's summer !! Love you all.💗💗

OMG also did you see Jada and Paige's live today. I was literally DYINGGG the whole time. Like Jada was blushing after everything paige said which is so real. Jada is literally me. It's also so cool to know that like other player are fan girls over paige too. but let's be real, who isn't in love with Paige Madison Bueckers????

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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