Chapter 7

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Mother. Faith thought, as she raced through the forest clearing back to where she had last seen her mother before her mother had begged her to flee. To save herself. Faith found herself wishing she had ignored her mother's pleas and stayed by her side till the very end, even if it had resulted in her own death. Faith's chest was tight and constricted, and the toxic scent of dark magic oozed from the air around her. Still, Faith kept running, swallowing back the bile that was threatening to rise up her throat. Please let her be alive, I cannot lose her too, Faith thought desperately, daring to hope even though deep down she knew it was futile. The Dark Mage was long gone, but that thought barely registered in Faith's mind, she didn't know why he hadn't just killed her, but right now she didn't care. She just wanted her mother. At last Faith broke through into the forest clearing, and rushed inside her now ruined home, the stench of dark magic becoming increasingly stronger as she made her way to the room she had been in with her mother.

"Mother?" Faith cried, before collapsing at her mother's side when she laid her eyes on her mother's broken, bloody body. Ruins that swirled with tendrils of dark magic were etched into her skin, which was parchment thin and bone white, her body drained of blood by the Archon Circle member who killed her. All Faith could do was sob, screaming as unbearable grief tore at her heart. Her mother was gone, her blood harvested by the men who killed her so they could fuel their uses of dark magic. As Faith curled over her mother's body, she vaguely heard the agonising screams of terrible pain, as if someone were being ran through with a sword, before she belatedly realised the screams were coming from her as utter despair and loss ripped through her heart.

"Mother!" Faith cried, as her amber eyes flew open, her vision blurred with tears. Her chest was tight, and her breathing shallow. Without even being aware of what she was doing, she stumbled out of bed and across her room, before retching into the porcelain basin where she relieved herself in, yet nothing came up. She lay there for a moment, crouched against the basin, tears running down her cheeks, feeling utterly hopeless. A knock rang out from the door to her room, and in walked Bella, the kind maid who had been serving her since she arrived in the castle two days ago. She was carrying a jug of warm soapy water for Faith's morning bath, and she carefully sat it down on the floor by the door.

"Hello dear, let's get you ready for the day, shall we?" Bella's chipper voice rang out into the room, positive as always, before she laid eyes upon Faith, who was still crouched on the floor by her basin, eyes puffy from crying. Bella's face immediately filled with concern, and another sob racked through Faith as she sensed the deep care and genuine concern Bella had for her. She reminds me of my mother, Faith thought sadly, which only made the tears fall faster. Bella rushed over to her and pulled her into a tight, reassuring hug.

"Oh dear, I know everything must be very overwhelming for you recently dear, and you have gone through so much already. I wish I could take your pain away Faith. I have so much respect for you dear. You are so strong and brave, you hear me?" Bella said, her voice full of care but she spoke firmly as she held Faith close. Faith's breathing slowed, and she slowly relaxed into the hug, before letting out a sob.

"I miss my mother." Faith cried, feeling like a small child again, and Bella murmured words of comfort, stroking her hair. They stayed like that till Faith's tears slowed, and her heart rate returned to normal. The pair slowly pulled apart, and Faith gratefully smiled at Bella, who returned the smile.

"Thank you, Bella. That was truly kind of you." Faith murmured, and Bella let out a soft laugh, and helped Faith to her feet.

"It was nothing dear, now let's get you cleaned up now, shall we?" Bella smiled, rushing to go fill Faith's tub with the jug of hot soapy water she had left by the door. Faith turned to the mirror and felt a small smile form on her lips, as she gazed into the reflection of her amber eyes, the unique colour passed onto her from her mother. I hope I make you proud, Mother. Faith thought, before hurrying over to Bella for her bath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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