Episode 18

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Noon and you returned to Atom's luxurious Mansion. As soon as their arrived in the courtyard of the mansion, anda quickly pulled Noon's hand.

"Noon!! I'm afraid Papa will be angry with me," Anda said.

"You have to deal with it yourself. You shouldn't make someone else's child cry," Noon replied.

"Oh Noon, please help me. I'm afraid of Papa," anda begged.

"I don't want to get involved. It's better if it's just with Papa, dont you know if Mama gets involved, I'm dead," Noon said.

"Omg noon, I forgot about Mama. She's 10 times fiercer than preawa when she's angry," anda said.

"Yes so Let's go in quickly," Noon said, pulling your hand and leading anda into the mansion

"Mama, Papa, Noon is back," Noon said

Noon nudged anda hand to greet her future in-laws.

"Um, good evening, Papa, Mama," Anda said nervously.

"You idiot. Where have you been? Are you satisfied leaving my child alone huh?" Mer said sternly.

Anda were so scared that you trembled with fear when mer stared at you sharply.

"Enough, darling. She just wants to calm her down," Atom said.

"Shut your mouth Atom Harish Namjoon!!," Mer snapped.

Atom stiffened and remained silent in his seat.

"I'm sorry, Mama. I just wanted to clear my mind," Anda said tearfully.

"Next time, let us know. You know Mama worries about the two of you. One of you disappears, the other doesn't eat. Mama so worried about you two, you know," Mer said.

"Enough, darling. Please understand her feelings too. She also needs time to calm herself down," Atom said, gently patting Mer's shoulder.

"Go see Lookaew upstairs. She needs you," Atom said.

Reluctantly, Anda stepped into Lookaew's room. When she entered, she saw Lookaew, who looked extremely tired, sleeping with tears still on her cheeks.

Anda approached Lookaew and sat at the edge of the bed. She could see the sadness in Lookaew's face, and gently wiped away her tears.

Lookaew, feeling someone's touch, opened her eyes. She weakly looked at the person she missed.

"Babe, its that you? ," Lookaew said weakly.

"Yes, darling. I'm sorry for leaving you alone," you said.

Tears started streaming down anda cheeks. Her heart ached seeing Lookaew so weak because of her.

Lookaew smiled weakly as she looked at anda face and gently touched and cheek.

"Thank you for coming back. I missed you so much," Lookaew said.

"I miss you too, miss you so much," anda said.

"Have you eaten? Mama said you don't want to eat," Anda asked.

"Not yet, babe. Can you feed me? I'm so hungry," Lookaew said.

"Okay, darling, wait for me. I'll go downstairs to get food for you," Anda said.

Before Anda went downstairs, she quickly kissed Lookaew on the forehead.

That night, Lookaew asked Anda to stay with her, and anda agreed because she missed her beloved love so much.


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