The Walk Across Assurance.. Towards Reality

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(The Sun rises vanquishing the presence of darkness that once lingered in the sky. Edgar gets out of bed. He has a daily routine which began with brushing his teeth then flossing and taking a bath. Edgar has an uncommon fear of showers. He goes into his wardrobe and pulls out a black colored shirt, black colored pants and puts on black colored boots. Edgar goes downstairs and fixes himself a small meal that consisted of palm sized pancakes and a glass of water. He was not as fortunate as others and depended on food given from Mina and occasional contests that Mina would sign up for and give up half his food earnings to Edgar. Edgar finishes up and washes the plate along with the utensils he had used and wipes his mouth with a napkin then scurries upstairs to brush his teeth again. He feels inclined to maintaining excellent hygiene due to mistreatment from strangers that walk by him on sidewalks. There is a knock at the door. Edgar hurries down and answers the door. Mina is there standing at the door. Mina was a tall slim boy who had a red and black-tipped Mohawk with liberty spikes running down the center of his head, wore a black pair of sunglasses and on his face were piercings that consisted of snakebites, three cartilage piercings on both ears, three ear lobe piercings on both ears, one vertical industrial piercing on both ears and six piercings lining down the nose. Mina did not care about the negative treatment and attention he got from bearing the amount of piercings he had and wore them because he liked facial piercings. It was a thing he had for them. He greets Edgar and requests that Edgar join him for a walk because he thinks Edgar could use a walk. Edgar decides he has nothing to lose by tagging along with him as Mina walks to the skate park a few miles away from Edgar's home.)

“Cool” said Mina carrying his skateboard in his right hand. “Let’s head out” said Mina while they were heading out as a girl called out to them. “Oh! I did not even notice her” said Mina as the she walked up to them. “Hey Aulanie” said Mina. “Hey Mina” said Aulanie. “Hey” said Aulanie taking a peek down at Edgar as he stood pretty close to Mina for all he saw was a stranger. “Mm H-Hello” said Edgar peeking his head out which began to reveal both his eyes as he stood out from behind Mina. “Where are you going?” asked Aulanie with a curiosity that had already consumed her. “The center of the earth.. don’t bother waiting here for me because we might not make it back sooo yyyeahh” said Mina with a silly voice trying to imply that she does not have to know where they were headed but that he might tell her anyways since he has nothing to lose. ”Hmm oh ok so then that means I can have all your stuff said Aulanie with a smirk. “Hah! Not even if your life depended on it!” “I have my ways” said Mina with a smug face. “Rriighttt soo where does this walk to the center of the earth begin?” asked Aulanie who attempted to go along with Mina’s joke. “Skate Park” said Mina looking straight down the sidewalk. “Oh so in that case then I guess I’ll just tag along so yeah don’t mind me!” said Aulanie in a casual voice. “Alright” shrugged Mina as they all walked in unison. "So what do you do?" asked Aulanie glancing over at Edgar. "Like on a daily basis” said Aulanie. "Read..?" replied Edgar. "And?” asked Aulanie. "Nothing?" said Edgar. "So you are telling that is all you do!?” asked Aulanie who was surprised. "You need to go out more!" said Aulanie in a serious yet joking manner. “Heh” chuckled Mina as they went on talking as if this were a daily routine for all of them including Edgar who remained quiet the rest of the walk despite Aulanie's desperate acts of persistence to get him to even utter just a syllable.

(Edgar becomes more comfortable with Aulanie as time goes on and the walk becomes closer and closer to an end. Mina looks up at the skies and is pleased not to find a single gray cloud in sight but knows not to get his hopes up to high since things could change at any moment. Mina is used to heavy rain and actually likes the rain but he always keeps out of the rain because he does not like the idea of rusty piercings. Aulanie claimed she hates the rain but only hates it because it ruins her hair and Edgar, well Edgar loved the rain as it gave him things to write about in his miniature writing pads that he called his poetry books. He would tell strangers that he cannot explain the influence of the rain but can only witness its effects on him. A crow is seen flying above the three of them in the sky and lands on a light pole. It watches them walk and caws before taking flight into the opposite direction.)

(This might be last input from Mina and Minato alike. I might pass this on to another trusted individual who can make good use of my already created plot. This was rushed so there will be mistakes. If you see them, comment and it shall be "fixed".) (EDIT* Apart of the story changed to fit a certain being's needs :P )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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