Joshua x Svt - fated together (part-4)

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The next morning, the alphas stirred awake one by one, the sunlight filtering gently through the curtains of the room. The air was still filled with the comforting scent of their bond, and the atmosphere was peaceful and warm.

Scoups was the first to open his eyes. He felt the familiar weight of Joshua nestled against him and turned his head slightly to see their omega. Joshua was curled up, his face serene and relaxed in sleep, the faintest smile playing on his lips. His hair was tousled, and his breathing was slow and even.

Scoups felt his heart swell with affection and pride. He watched Joshua for a moment, taking in the sight of his beloved omega who had endured so much and came through it beautifully. Quietly, he placed a soft kiss on Joshua's temple, his touch light so as not to wake him.

Jeonghan, lying next to Scoups, stirred next. As he blinked sleepily and adjusted to the morning light, his gaze fell upon Joshua's peaceful face. A tender smile spread across Jeonghan's face as he reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Joshua's forehead. He marveled at the pure innocence and vulnerability in Joshua's expression, his heart warming at the sight.

One by one, the other alphas began to wake. Mingyu stretched slightly, careful not to disturb the serene moment. He looked over and saw the scene before him - Joshua surrounded by his mates, safe and sound. His chest tightened with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration.

Wonwoo, The8, and Jun woke next, each reacting similarly. They exchanged soft smiles and silent nods, acknowledging the beauty of the moment without words. Their eyes conveyed the deep bond they shared and their collective commitment to Joshua's happiness and well-being.

Woozi, Seungkwan, Vernon and Dino, the last to wake, blinked sleepily before focusing on Joshua. They couldn't help but smile at how content and adorable he looked. Hoshi leaned over and whispered, "He's so precious," to which Dino nodded in agreement.

Joshua remained blissfully unaware of the attention, his body relaxed and his breathing even. He was cocooned in a nest of warmth and safety, surrounded by the people who loved him most.

Scoups, ever the leader, motioned for the others to remain quiet. He didn't want to disturb Joshua's peaceful slumber. "Let's let him sleep a little longer," he whispered softly.

Wonwoo nodded, his eyes filled with affection. "He deserves all the rest he can get."

The alphas settled back down, content to watch over Joshua as he slept. Each of them took a moment to reflect on the past few days and the challenges Joshua had faced. They were incredibly proud of him and grateful for the bond they shared.

As the minutes passed, the room remained filled with a gentle sense of love and unity. The alphas stayed close, their presence a constant source of reassurance for Joshua, even in his sleep. The quiet sounds of their breathing and the subtle rustling of the nest were the only noises that filled the air.

Eventually, Joshua began to stir, his eyelashes fluttering as he slowly awoke. He felt the comforting weight of his alphas around him and the warmth of their bodies. A sense of safety and love enveloped him, making him feel completely at ease.

He opened his eyes to see SCoups and Jeonghan gazing at him with soft smiles. "Good morning, pup," SCoups whispered, his voice tender.

"Morning," Joshua replied, his voice still a little groggy but filled with contentment. He stretched slightly, feeling the comforting presence of his mates all around him.

Jeonghan leaned in and kissed Joshua's forehead. "How are you feeling, darling?"

Joshua smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love. "I'm feeling much better, thanks to all of you."

The other alphas gathered closer, each offering their own greetings and expressions of love. "We're glad to hear that, precious," Mingyu said, his voice gentle.

"You were amazing, bub" Vernon added, his eyes shining with pride.

Joshua felt his heart swell with happiness as he looked around at his mates. He knew that he was incredibly lucky to have them in his life. "I love you all so much," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

"We love you too, shua," SCoups replied, speaking for all of them. "Always."

And We have one last chapter to end Fated together 🌼

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