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Livia walked briskly away from the school building, her thoughts a chaotic jumble as she put as much distance as she could between herself and the source of her panic. The afternoon sun cast shadows on the pavement, mirroring the darkness that haunted her every move.

As she made her way to a nearby park, her mind drifted to a different, long-abandoned park on the outskirts of town. It was a place filled with some of the few happy memories from her childhood, a sanctuary that stood in stark contrast to the turmoil of her home life. Sam's mother used to take the two of them there when they were little.

She could almost hear the laughter that had once echoed from the swings, the rhythmic creak of the chains as they soared higher and higher into the sky. She recalled the jungle gym where they had spent countless hours climbing, and the merry-go-round where they had spun until they were dizzy with joy. Those memories, infused with the warmth of Sam's presence and the kindness of his mother, stood out as bright spots in the otherwise dark landscape of her childhood.

But the park she remembered so fondly was too far away to walk to, and it had long since been abandoned, overtaken by nature and neglect. The bittersweet nostalgia of that place offered a small measure of comfort, even though she knew she couldn't go there. The memories were a safe harbor she could retreat to, a reminder that not every moment in her life had been shrouded in pain.

The park she headed to now was different, not as magical as the one from her memories, but it was close and, more importantly, empty. She needed to get away, to find a quiet place where she could breathe and collect herself. Her footsteps quickened as she approached the park, her heart still racing from the encounter she had narrowly avoided.

Upon arriving, Livia was relieved to find the park deserted. She made her way to a secluded bench, hidden beneath the shade of an old oak tree. Sitting down, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the cool breeze a small comfort against the storm of emotions swirling within her.

She would never let anyone know the truth about Ryan. The thought of revealing that dark chapter of her life filled her with an overwhelming sense of dread. The assault had left scars that were too deep, too personal to share, even with Sam. The fear of being judged, of seeing pity or revulsion in Sam's eyes, was enough to keep her silent.

As she sat there, the memories of her childhood with Sam played in her mind like a distant melody, a soothing balm to her wounded spirit. Despite the pain she carried, those moments with him were a reminder that she wasn't entirely alone, that there had been light in her life amidst the darkness.

She stayed in the park for what felt like hours, allowing herself the space to process her emotions. The silence and solitude provided a much-needed respite, a chance to rebuild the walls she had so carefully constructed around her heart. The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the park as she finally stood up, feeling a bit more grounded.

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