1. Arrival...

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"Rusty! Wakey Wakey oh son of mine, no need in being lazy, " a voice calls out

The sleeping pony groans and slowly opens their eyes and kicks the covers off ot them revealing a coat as black as soot. "I'm up!"

The pony rolls over and gets out of bed, leaving a black dust all over his bed before...standing on three legs. Rusty shakes and their hair flips over, showing... a broken horn, the rest of his face hidden by his hair

Rusty hobbles over to a closet and uses his hoof to open one of the doors. The hinges creaking and inside the closet are revealed to be a prosthetic leg and a long leather like belt

After putting the leg on and tightening the straps with a hard tug, Rusty stepped out of his bedroom, grabbing a black cloak on his way out

"Oh there, you are, oh son of mine, sleeping in, I don't mind," a motherly voice says

"Yeah, got a big day ahead of me. I'm going to the town for the first time..." Rusty says to a shadowy figure, taking a map out of a bag the map littered with notes and places Rusty seemingly had visited

"There's no rush if you are in trouble. Just tell them to hush," the figure says, nodding and sliding a metallic object across the hard wood table

Rusty nods as he takes a few steps closer and sits at the table

"My son going to the town...you make me so proud, Since you where a foal i knew you would reach great goals" the figure says getting chocked up a little looking at a photo in a frame of a young Rusty their grey hoof covering Rusty's face but the photo shows young Rusty witha wooden peg leg building a boat out of some scraps of metal and leaves

"I've visited nearly everywhere in Equestria, and I'm not going far mum." Rusty looks at the table showing a metal mask with a faux horn with holes for the eye and small slits for breathing

"Your mask? need help, just ask, " The figure steps closer

"I've got it... just gotta..." Rusty reaches his prosthetic across the table and grabs the mask with a silvery claw."I studied griffons claws it just..." The claws of the prosthesis slowly wrap around the worn leather straps of the mask "takes time to get warmed up. "

As the sun rises more Rusty is seen stood outside the everfree forest his metallic horseshoes clicking against the stones as he walks

Rusty walks into the surprisingly populated town. "You can do this, Tumblestone... just breath..."

Suddenly, a pink flash crashes in front of Rusty. Rusty, seemingly unfazed, just blinks slowly

"HI, IM PINKIE PIE IVE NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU!!! I LIKE YOUR MASK DID YOU MAKE IT YOURSELF I LOVE ARTS AND CRAFTS" The mare now revealed to be Pinkie Pie introduced herself with staggering enthusiasm, her face extremely close to Rusty's mask, almost touching it

"I'm Tumblestone, but everyone calls me Rusty." Rusty sticks his hoof to shake

Pinkie shakes Rusty's hoof excitedly. "What a wonderful name. I wonder how you got it. What's your cutie mark? What's your favourite food?! Mines..." Pinkie stops talking seeing that Rusty has backed off a little

"Not much of a talker are you, I love talking! You're new to ponyville! You'll love it here!" Pinkie bounces up and dow, circling Rust. Seeing her move around, he hides his prosthesis in his cloak just in case she sees

Pinkie gasps deeply before running away at a high speed

"How... unique..." Rusty carries on walking, stumbling across the carousel boutique a bell ringing as the door opens

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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