Electrician in the Baron's Oasis

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In a desert on the surface of Alaria another life pod has landed. It contained the Electrician Hiro Klein. Upon looking around this desert setting he saw an oasis. Hiro thought to himself, "An oasis would be a good place to recuperate. Then I can try to find the rest of the crew." Hiro made his way to the oasis and observed some small herbivores feasting on the green foliage. Their scales were beige in color and they had tiny crests on the backs of their heads. They were quadrupedal and were docile in nature. Hiro's tablet said, "New species documented. It has been given the name Parvisreptili. Thank you for your contribution to Xeno-Biology."
One of the creatures approached him and investigated him before turning away to grab a drink from the liquid in the oasis. Upon scanning the liquid was actually water almost identical to Earth. So, Hiro grabbed a filtration bottle and scooped some up and took a drink. It was refreshing but he couldn't put his mind at ease. He had one thought on his mind. What had caused Jupiter III to have engine failure. Not even an hour before the ship had started crashing down to the planet's surface he had checked and the energy powering the ship was working as intended. There wasn't a single bit of damage. How did it happen?
Before he could think on this more, the Parvisreptili started to burrow under the sands. And then he saw a great mass rising from the sand. It rose from the sands and revealed itself. It was easily thrice Hiro's size. He was 5'4 so he estimated this creature to be 15-16 ft tall. It was quadrupedal much like the Parvisreptili. However, it was not as docile. It looked upon Hiro with a raging fire in its eyes. It was carnivorous. It had the teeth needed to grind up meat. They were sharp and likely hard as stone. It was also likely territorial. It saw Hiro as an intruder on its territory.
Hiro then observed the creature's features. On its front legs were claws perfect for digging. On its hind legs were just stumpy toes. Likely just there for movement. It had no tail. Rather just a stump. Above its mouth was an elongated blade for plowing through sand. And on its back were some Parvisreptili feasting on the alien vegetation that was growing in the crevices on its back. Hiro realized something about this. The Parvisreptili love the plantlife and fruit that grows in the crevices on the titanic creature's back. However, the vegetation may only grow when in darkness and is surrounded by things that can conduct the heat of a star. Like the sand.
And thus, Hiro came to a conclusion. The Parvisreptili will surface at certain points and look for intruders on the massive creature's territory. If they see any intruders they will alert the creature and it will surface to take care of the intruders. In exchange for their services the Parvisreptili get to feast upon the fruits on the creature's back. Hiro took a picture of the creature and sent it to the company and a few seconds later the tablet said, "Thank you for sending this data to the company. They have labeled this new creature the Baron Magnumreptili" At that moment Hiro thought, "Oh, they'll name it but they won't give me any advice to get out of this. Typical." The Baron Magnumreptili let out a low pitched growl. Then it rose to its hind legs and was preparing to squash Hiro into nothing more than a little red stain. But no. It did not. Instead it let out a roar and returned to its quadrupedal stance. Hiro was surprised and for a moment thought that maybe he was wrong about the Baron Magnumreptili. Such hope did not last. As the Baron stomped so hard it flung him to the air. The giant did this to try and eat him. However, luckily, he landed on its back. Though he didn't rest yet. The Parvisreptili started to advance onto him. Hiro said, "Really. Just my luck. They are so desperate for their damn food they're gonna kill me."
Before long one charged at him but he managed to avoid it and it fell to the floor. The Baron picked it up and placed it on its back. Hiro then knew that even luring the Parvisreptili to charge off the Baron Magnumreptili's back would be only a temporary form of safety. Then he felt the Baron Magnumreptili start to sink back into the sands. And he saw the Parvisreptili entering the crevices of the Baron's back. He was knocked back onto the sands.
When he got back up he started to run. As fast as his legs could carry him. A pile of sand rose from behind him and started to chase. As the sand cleared from the body of the Baron Magnumreptili, Hiro knew that the chase was on. He kept running. But it was futile. Every second, the Baron grew closer, and closer, and closer. Until it was right behind him.
Hiro knew this and closed his eyes. And then he opened them. It was fleshy, cold, damp, and dark. He then realized he was in the creature's gullet. He fell further down until he reached the stomach. It was still damp and wet. But what was once cold, had turned into boiling heat.
As the stomach acid grew closer to him. He tried to climb back up but to no avail. He slipped and fell right into the burning acid of the Baron's stomach. After very little time his uniform started melting off and soon only his bare skin was left. And then, he started to feel the burning pain. He let out a scream. A guttural cry for help. But no one heard him. His skin began to burn. It melted off of his muscles and fell below into the liquid. Then his muscles softened and burned. They too were melting.
At this point Hiro was already deceased. His body now was just bone. Nothing but his skeletal structure remained. The scraps of flesh, muscles, organs, and bone now were finding their way through the digestive tract of the Baron Magnumreptili. Before long, maybe only 30 minutes to an hour, the Baron released the waste formed by the digestion of Hiro. The only thing left of Hiro was to be fed upon by the smaller subterranean species in the sand. The only ones wise enough not to take from the Baron's turf.

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