Chapter 15

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Clove's POV:

It's been a week since Cato's injury and training Is pretty lonely without him. He's all I've been thinking about. His lips, his eyes, his chest under my hand. Everything about him. And I'm scared. I'm scared of the games and the capitol and my feelings. And I hate being scared.

Cato's POV:

Clove's the only thought that's been going through my head these last few days. Every day after training she comes into my room and we talk for about 15 minutes, then she makes some excuse and leaves. I wish Clove and I weren't training partners, I mean I'm super excited to go into the games, I just wish it wasn't with Clove.

I woke up this morning and made my way down the hall, walking on crutches since I sparined my ankle. I walk into the bathroom as usual and do my normal morning routine. Clove has started to use a different bathroom, and I don't really see her at all anymore.

"Cato?" Kirsten said, tugging on the bottom of my pajama pants.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"Why are you leaving us?"


"Why are you leaving us?" she repeats "Do you not love me?" a tear falls down her face.

"Of course I love you," I say, scooping her into my arms and looking straight into her big blue eyes. " and I love caring for you. I just need to leave to do a few things and then i'll come back and we'll live a better life." I fully believed I could win the games. With enough determination and effort, I could pull it off.

"I don't want you to leave," Kirsten whispers, burrowing her face into my shirt.

"I know," I say. "But it will be okay."

Clove's POV:

Bryn is still acting weird toward me. I catch her looking between me and Olivia during class or training. I can't think too much about it though, with the reaping being in one week.

I always thought I wouldn't be nervous, I would be ready for the games. But all I can think about is the fact that this might be my last time seeing district two. I'm strong, but am I strong enough? I think Cato will be the hardest opponent I'll have to face, the other district don't really have training centers. District one does, but they're notoriously worse than our district. Cato is strong, but I'm fast. I think I could beat him if I tried hard enough.

"Clove," My mom says, snapping me out of my trance. "You need to pick an outfit." My mom and I were at a local shop, looking for an outfit to wear to the reaping.

"I like this shirt," I absentmindedly point at a frilly white blouse that I actually kind of hate.

"No," My mom says. "You don't like it. Besides this is a huge event in your life, you need to wear something that shows it."

"Ok fine," I say. I look around the store, nothing stands out to me.

"How about this?" My mom asks, holding up a simple mini white dress. It was pretty, but it wouldn't look good on me.


"Clove you need to choose something,"

"And I chose that blouse," I point to the shirt from earlier.

"Clove," My mom has her stern voice on. "You will try this dress on, and you will buy it."


"No negotiating, go try it on," she shoves the dress in my face. I groan, but don't try to argue.

I walk into the changing room. I take off my pants and t-shirt, leaving me standing there staring at myself in my undergarments. I throw on the dress and stare at myself. I wouldn't say I'm pretty but I wouldn't say I'm ugly, I look terrible in this dress though.

"Mom," I say, peeking my head out of the curtain.

"Clove, Show me the dress," I do as directed and step out of the dressing room. "Spin," my mom says, and I do. "Perfect, We're getting it."

"Mom," I whine. "It looks so bad on me though."

"No it doesn't. You look pretty Clove," My mom directs me back into the changing room, leaving me dumbfounded. My mom isn't the complement type, and she's never called me pretty before.

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