Return of Nano

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(At the Avalon prison vault, several guards are patrolling the cells while two are watching the prisoners. Suddenly, the monitors started to go static and the lights flickering, which caught the attention of the guards. Later, a mysterious hooded figure approaches the cell, deactivates the energy field, walks into the cell and uses telekinesis to crack the cylinder, freeing Nano in the process while the mysterious figure teleports in a flash. Meanwhile, the alarm goes off, alerting the guards)

Unnamed female guard: Security breach! lock down initiated! Cell block 35 has been unlocked!

(Nano morphs into his humanoid form, fires a laser beam through the ceiling and flies into the sky. Meanwhile at the Avalon Superhero Academy, Max and Cora are currently in science class, working on a project)

Cora: Watch me make it dance.

(Cora uses a joystick controller to make the robot dance)

Max: Nice.

(Outside of the school, Nano lands right near the main building, causing the area to shake)

Max: What was that?

(Moments later, some tendrils burst through the walls and grab Max)

Max: Hey!

Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr.: Max!

(Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. went to save Max, only to get grabbed by them)

Max: No!

(Nano pulls his captives to face them)

Max: Nano

(Nano glares at Max while glances at Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr.)

Max: Don't you dare you anything to them!

(Nano looks at Max with an evil laugh and looks at the girls with his eyes glowing, creating a construct laser cannon on his shoulders, aiming them at the girls)

Cora: No!

Ava: He's going to destroy us?

Max: No, please don't!

(Nano laughs maniacally as he's about to kill Max's sisters. Max gets angry, seeing his sisters endangered)

Max: No! No!

(Max lets out a scream, glows and emits a powerful blast of blue energy, causing Nano to shorted out as he began to fall down, releasing Max and the girls in the process. Cora, Ava, Debbie, Mary Jr. manage to land safely due to their flight powers. They see Max falling down, unconscious)

Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr.: Max!

(Before Max could hit the ground, Megan flies towards her younger brother and catches him)

Megan: I got you.

(Megan lands near Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr.)

Cora: Is he?

Megan: Unconscious, but still alright.

(Max starts to wake up)

Max: Ugh, what just happened?

(Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. hug Max)

Cora: Are you okay Max?

Ava and Debbie: You saved us!

Mary Jr.: Don't scare us like that, you had us worried.

Max: Sorry.

(Nano's eyes glow red as he gets back on her feet)

Megan: Is that the nanotech monster you fought before?

Max: Yeah and looks like he came back for revenge.

(Nano roars and charges at Max, only to get attacked by Avalon jets and the school's defense systems)

Megan: Alright.

(Nano stretches his arm and destroys the entire defense systems)

Megan: We got to stop Nano before he could destroy the school.

Max: I got a plan.

(Max charges at Nano, jumps into the air and glows, transforms into Spiral and lands onto the ground)

(Max charges at Nano, jumps into the air and glows, transforms into Spiral and lands onto the ground)

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(Spiral roars at Nano)

Ava: Max, he's turned into Spiral.

Debbie: I haven't seen that monster form since the Monster Z incident.

(Spiral and Nano stare at each other, getting ready for a battle)

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