Chapter 9-Part 1

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Nyx had fallen asleep rather quickly after the start of your personal one-woman rendition of Frozen 2. After tucking him in and saying your goodbye to Feyre and Elain, you opted to walk on your own back to the town house. You've walked along this route a few times and it didn't pass by any of the pubs, so you didn't have to worry about possibly running into any drunk males. Even if you did, you had been seen walking along the route with various members of the "Inner Circle'' and even the High Lord himself on more than one occasion. Someone would have to have a death wish to mess with you knowing that you worked directly for the High Lord and Lady.

The walk was just the thing you needed to help clear your mind of the emotionally taxing day. This morning had started off much differently than where your day had ended. Your good humor from the surprise offering of that apple to Azriel had long since disappeared. As the day went on the positive energy had been slowly drained out of you. Instead, it was replaced with irritation, a hairpin trigger temper, and resurfacing memories you longed to be forgotten. Today felt like the longest day in existence as you slowly trudged back to the town house.

The cold breeze off the Sidra flitted over your skin, hurrying you along. The day's events added up and you couldn't wait to see Lucien to discuss everything that happened. Well, almost everything. You still had a promise to keep to Nesta, even though you were certain that the other females would be telling their mates about your little ability to walk through the Prison wards without issue. Once Cassian knew something, it meant that it wouldn't be long before Rhysand knew as well.

In what felt like record time, you found yourself walking up the steps leading to the front door. Your heart sputtered with the thought of not being able to tell Lucien what you had discovered. So far, you shared practically everything with the Autumn Court male. While he didn't know everything about you or your past, you had made sure to keep him apprised of the inner workings of your mind and any event that happened while he was not directly next to you. That was something the two of you had agreed upon since your fight prior to moving to Velaris.

The door had been unlocked, which was something that you felt you'd never quite get used to. The interior of the town house was warm, a fire dancing in the parlor's fireplace. You poked your head into the room expecting to see the near crimson shade of Lucien's long hair hanging over the armrest of the couch. However, you were instead greeted by the infectious smile and vivid blue eyes of Ruhn.

"Hey there sweetness," He called out. You felt your shoulders slump ever so slightly and hesitated on whether to fully enter the room. It wasn't that you didn't want to be around Ruhn, but all you really wanted to do was talk to Lucien. You needed to decompress with your best friend from this emotional rollercoaster that was today.

"Hey," Your voice was softer than you intended. Maybe Lucien was already in your room waiting for you. A book in his lap as he leaned against the headboard of the bed you both practically shared.

"That's all I get? A simple 'Hey'." Ruhn teased, standing up from the couch.

"Sorry," You tried to hide your own smile by pressing your lips into a thin line. "But is Lucien here?

"Ah, about that," Ruhn took a few steps across the room, and you tried your best not to tense your shoulders again. "He...wanted me to tell you that he was called away. He had to go...check in on those allies in the south."

"Oh," Your chest felt heavy. "Okay." A part of you couldn't help but wonder at the truth of the statement.

"Is there..." He paused, his hand outstretched. Ultimately it came to rest on your shoulder before that violet stare looked you over. You fidgeted in place, picking at your nails. It wasn't exactly like Lucien not to tell you himself if he was leaving. Sure, he'd left the Night Court without warning before, but he had always left you a note. "Can I help with anything?"

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