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Charlene's pov

Mission- Create a Military Base full of newly bred soldiers.

I'm a stardian commander.

The stardian empire have located its first target - planet Earth. Earth advances of science and technology isn't as good as us. It's would merely take a day before we can completely take over the human race. But, they look exactly like us.

After the mothership has reached Earth's gravitational orbit, starships assigned to each country began launching off.

I'm assign to a country called Singapore. There are 1200 commanders going to Singapore and another 500000 soldiers behind us.

We landed right at Singapore's government house. We took it down by vaporizing it completely.

Sirens were activated for civilians to take shelter.

Within hours, the entire planet earth was ours. New laws were being passed down for the civilians to fit our objective.

"All teenagers aged 13-19 must be all brought to military camps off country"

That was it. The main law.

Pulau ubin, a small island from Singapore , was entirely wiped out to build these military camps. These camps were filled with tall black walls like a prison. No one could get out.

All teenagers were taken away from their family, forced to be brought to military camps to serve the empire.


" These recruits already have their own grouping , schools" a stardian commander announce.

Currently at a meeting with the other commanders.

"Since they would know their school mates well, might as well group these teens with their own school. They would have a greater sense of belongings if it's in their own class." Another claimed.

"So it's decided , each commander would be assign to each school, which would be equivalent to each camp." The general made a decision.

Everyone in the room agreed , even me. We would be known as... Principals.

I was assigned to Lajkey Secondary School.

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