Our dorm

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I brought her to our dorm door. " Sophia, Headmaster Grim gave us the last dorm, the one looking out to the forest because he didn't want me to cause any trouble even though I don't. So here, I'll open the door for you," I told her. The moment I opened the door, she gasped. "Wow! It's so beautiful! Here, I guess I'll take this side of the room cos u already took the other side," Well, I had to admit, our dorm looked nice with the new makeover. Before she came I had already packed my things in the room. The dorm was split to 2 sides-one for me and the other for Sophia. In the middle was this glass area which lead to the balcony. On each side of the room, lay A bed beside a hexellent glass window. Beside the door was a shoe cupboard. Next to it was a wardrobe that can pick out what clothes u wanted to wear so that it makes finding clothes easier. Beside the wardrobe was a bookshelf. A desk was beside it. On top of the desk was a Mirrorphone charger. There was soft and comfy beanbags and a cute yellow orangey wallpaper with cute bee an butterfly designs on it. So as you can see, it was a very pretty and cosy place. Sophia snapped her fingers and muttered something under her breath and suddenly all her luggages opened themselves and packed the contents to where she pointed. I watched her, amazed. This was her first year in EAH and she already knew so much magic? Wow... She then plopped herself on the bed. "Ahhhhhh.... so comfy! Raven, do u like the beds, the view it so nice from here!" She asked, staring at the window. "Yes I do. it's very beautiful, don't u think?" I replied. She looked at me, glanced at her things busily packing themselves away, then said," Raven, do u like animals? Because I do. I know who your mother is and I feel sorry for u. But I have grown up in an environment with the thinking that everyone has a good side. I mean, u don't seem bad to me, no offence," I looked at her in surprise. That didn't usually come out from anyone. "Yeah, I have a good side. Actually I hate being evil but everyone forces me to be but I don't want to. I like animals. I used to keep a pet dog but when my mom found out that I kept such a good, sweet little thing like that, she made a puppy potion and made my dog drink that. And guess what? It became a vicious, large rat with red eyes and rotting teeth. Plus it was carnivores! My mom took it as her pet. So sad. Can u imagine that the sweet little obedient little doggie that I used to love to much became like that? I felt so sad and wept like crazy but she didn't care. Sigh..." I sighed unhappily. She looked at me, shocked. "How could your mom do that?! I mean, dogs are harmless and cute! Why do that!?" She asked furiously. I shrugged. "I just it an idea. Why don't we conjure out a birdbath bird house at the balcony? Then we could attract birds! You have magic, don't you?" she asked very excitedly. I nodded. She told me the words very enthusiastically and then we went to the balcony. "Now, in 3. 3, 2, 1! Say it together!" I laughed while saying that. So with a lot of concentration, we raised a little wood from the ground below us and used it to form a bird house first. Then we raised stone and used it to form a birdbath. "Wow, I didn't know that it would work! Usually if I use my powers to do something good, it'll turn out wrong. BTW, how did u know so much magic?" I asked. She said that her grandmother thought her how to. She ran to get water for the birdbath and I got some hay for the bird house. By Then, it was time for lunch. "Hexellent! After this, let's go to the woods to get some seeds for the birds!" Sophia said. Like I said, we were getting along just fine.

Raven's New Best Friend- Sophia CollinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora