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Eren (present )

The sun was about to rise in the sky as the green-eyed boy walked down the cobblestone path. Every day, Eren passed this mansion on his way to school. Ever since he was a child, the Gothic-style building had both frightened and fascinated him. The abandoned garden looked creepy as hell, but the boy always imagined what it must have looked like when it was maintained. The boy stopped in front of the large gate and took a quick look at the three-story mansion - destroyed by time. He swallowed and looked at each window in turn, stopping at the last one, which was right under the roof. 

It had been about a month since he'd felt something watching him from that window. He looked intently at the window, but nothing happened. He looked at his watch, it was half past seven and he had to go to school. As he walked away from the gate, he still had the nagging feeling that something was watching him. He did his best to ignore that feeling and continued on his way. But what stopped him was the squeaking sound of the gate opening. His eyes first rested on the window, and he held his breath when he saw something flickering inside. He blinked as if he couldn't believe his eyes, then his gaze was on the gate, which was already half open. Licking his dry lips, he looked at the empty street. 

"Take a deep breath, Eren! Everything is completely normal." He tried to convince himself while hypnotizing the almost open gate with his eyes. 

"Maybe it's time for a little adventure, right?" He took the backpack off his back and rummaged through it for a moment. Soon he pulled out a small camera. He carried this stupid camera with him everywhere, because Eren had to capture every moment of his life. His friends made fun of him and the teachers were fed up with him. He ended up in detention many times because of it. Eventually, he earned the nickname Camera Freak. The brunet didn't mind.

 Leaving his backpack on the ground, he made his way to the gate. His steps were careful, and as he turned on the camera and waited for it to start, he scanned the overgrown garden that surrounded the mansion. Tall trees towered over the roof, covering the dirty windows. Eren could imagine how dark it must be inside, the rays of the sun that illuminated the street barely hitting the windows. Eren switched on the camera, relieved when the green light flashed. Eren had the feeling that this thing would make him feel a little less lonely. He turned the camera on himself and smiled broadly. 

 "Hello, I'm Eren and I'm seventeen years old. Um... It's Friday 22.06.2020 and I decided to skip school because I want to explore Ackerman's abandoned mansion. Actually, I'm not going to break in because the gate is open. So... it's not vandalism, okay? Call the police in case I get lost and if you can't find my body - I must have been killed by the ghost of Lord Ackerman. I have a few confessions to make as well. I'm sorry, Mom, but I broke your favorite mug, not my sister. Sorry, Dad, but I lost your watch in the lake last week. I thought it would make me look grown up to be wearing such an expensive watch, so I went for a walk in the park, but then I saw a kitten fall into the water, so I went to save it. But I ended up falling into the water as well. I lost the watch in the water because it was so big on my wrist. My dear sister Anna, I was the one who ate your cake this morning, not our father, and it was delicious. I have no regrets."

 Eren laughed nervously. He turned the camera to the blue sky and then to the garden that surrounded the mansion. "It's supposed to be a beautiful day, so it won't look so spooky here, but believe me, I've been feeling something watching me when I look in this window, for about a month now." 

Eren was pointing towards a window. And again something was moving there. He blinked - despite the dirt he could see the movement clearly. It could have been a person, right? A serial killer, just waiting for some naïve teenager to come into the house on his own and get himself killed. Brunet shook his head. He was sure that whatever was hiding there was not a person. A flock of birds suddenly flew from the roof and scattered high into the sky with a deafening noise. 

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