3. Levi's story

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When Levi entered the room, he saw Eren standing at the window out of the corner of his eye. His hands were wrapped around him, he was trembling, tears were streaming down his cheeks, and sobs filled Levi's room. Quietly, he approached the servant and wrapped his arms around his waist. Eren jumped in fear, but the lord's hands remained wrapped around his slender body.

 "It's only me, Eren, don't worry, it's okay." The lord said almost in a whisper. "What are you doing, sir? You can't do that." The smaller boy tried to free himself, but his attempts were in vain. 

"It's okay Eren, please calm down." 

 "But you're my master and you're getting married in a week, you can't hug me like that! This is unacceptable!" Levi turned the boy around and ran his thumb over his injured lip. When the servant shivered, the lord pressed him to his chest. 

 "I don't care anymore, Eren. I have to tell you something important. My marriage with Paula is only formal, she loves someone else and I love you. I'm sorry if I scared you with my sudden confession, but I can't hide my feelings any longer. Not when I know there's a chance for us. That is, if you feel the same way about me, of course." Eren didn't look at him, his head bowed, his body tense. Levi did not regret his decision to confess his feelings. Even if the boy didn't reciprocate, Levi was sure that he had done the right thing. 

"Look at me, Eren, please." Levi felt hot as the boy looked at him with his big, innocent eyes.

 "It's okay if you don't feel the same way I do for you. I don't want you to think that I will punish you for rejecting me. Do you understand? I don't want you to be afraid of me. And I want you to know that I know that bastard hit you, you're not a good liar. The boy just nodded, hiding his head in the man's chest and mumbling something. "I can't hear you." Levi laughed as the boy mumbled again. 

"Eren, I need to hear words." 

 "Uh...um...that...I love you too, sir. I fell in love the first time I met you." The boy refused to lift his head from his hiding place, but Levi didn't mind, he found it sweet and was sincerely happy that the boy returned his feelings. 

 "Eren." A whisper came from Levi's mouth, forcing the servant to look up. The lord's eyes rested on the boy's lips. He wanted to taste them, driven by a mad desire to take all the boy could offer him. He caressed Eren's lips with his thumb. They were so close that Levi could feel his breath on his face. He smelled of raspberries and Levi wanted to taste them. 

"Could I?" His heart was beating faster by the minute. He was afraid that he would scare the boy if he pushed him. But Eren just smiled shyly. 

"I'm not made of glass, sir." 

"Levi." He corrected the boy almost breathlessly, pressing his lips to the boy's. Levi wrapped his arms around Eren's waist, while Eren's palms remained on the lord's cheeks. Their kiss was careful, slow and full of emotion. It took them a long time to pull away from each other, their faces burning from the new experience. They stared at each other for a moment, intoxicated with pleasure. 

 "I never imagined that our first kiss would be so magical." Eren smiled, a flush covering his cheeks, his eyes shining like emeralds. 

"I have something for you." The boy reached across the table and placed two portraits in Levi's hands. Eren was on one and Levi on the other - the portraits were exact copies of each other. Lord blinked and looked at the boy in disbelief. 

"Did you draw this?" Eren nodded his head in agreement, a new wave of red covering his face.

 "Do you like them?" 

"They are beautiful. Next time you could put both of us in a portrait." Levi winked at the boy and he smiled. 

"Actually, it already happened." Eren put the last piece of paper into the lord's hands and his smile widened. 

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