To Be Alone With You

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This chapter's theme: To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens

**Warning: There will be foul/offensive language in the oncoming chapter. Be aware that for the rest of the story, offensive language will come up. This is only to enhance the story, not to offend anyone **



"Wake the fuck up, faggot!" I was smacked with something dense, taking the air from my lungs. I ripped the blanket off of my body to see a smiling Taven. But it wasn't a happy smile. "Come on, we're going out to eat. Garrett wanted me to wake you up."

I brushed my hair down with my fingers and nodded a bit. "Wh-What time is it...?"

"Time for your second beating if you don't hurry the fuck up." My chest tightened in fear. Not another beating, please... I gently hid my hippopotamus beneath the pillow before climbing down. I fixed my jacket and hair before walking out. It was dark outside... I slept for that long? I walked behind Taven downstairs, joining the small group that was surrounding the door. Garrett saw me and ruffled my hair.

"You hungry?" All I could do was nod. To be honest, I didn't even feel like eating. Taven would probably steal my food anyway... I followed the group out, watching as Taven was easily becoming close with everyone else. Soon, he'd be their favorite, and I'd be left in the corner to be beaten by Taven all of the time. I put in a headphone in my ear and pressed play on my iPod, following my group. I checked my iPod again, but there was no notification that Derek messaged me. My heart ached a bit as I slid the electronic back into my pocket. I knew Derek had a life, but... It still hurt me.

I followed the rest of the guys to a small plaza with many restaurants. Basically, if you had your money, you could go anywhere. I watched as everyone else left, leaving Garrett, Taven and I behind. I nervously got to Garrett's side; he would protect me, not like Taven would hurt me in front of anyone. "My two favorite boys!" Garrett ruffled my and Taven's hair. "Choose where you'd like to go-- I'm paying." I looked up at Garrett before looking around at the multitude of restaurants.

"Well..." I murmured. My eyes stopped on Panera.

"Jamie said he wanted to go to Taco Bell back home." Taven smiled. Garrett paused before looking down at me.

"I thought you hated Mexican food," he laughed. "If you wanna go there, we can." And he began walking toward it. I looked at Taven who was smirking at me. I hated Mexican food... My stomach couldn't handle it... I swallowed the large lump in my throat as I followed the two in there. Even the smell of the food made me nauseous. It wasn't like Taco Bell was authentic Mexican food; it was a cheap, shitty version. Taven and Garrett got in line, talking to each other about what they were going to order. I looked at the menu and got a little sad. Nothing looked appetizing whatsoever...

Taven and Garrett both ordered, getting at least four burritos for each person. Then, it was my turn. Oh, shit, the cashier is watching me... I'm taking too long, aren't I?! I began to internally panic as I got closer to the counter. "C-Can I get a strawb-berry Starburst freeze...?" I wrung my hands together tightly, watching the cashier. My body was getting so hot... I could see the annoyance in his eyes...

"Nope." The cashier smirked. At that moment, it seemed like everything was crumbling around me. I could feel the tears behind my eyes... All of a sudden, the cashier began laughing, along with Taven and Garrett. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Take a joke, kid!"

"Yeah, Jamie. Quit being so fucking uptight." Taven "playfully" punched my shoulder. I forced a small smile, also forcing a small laugh.

"O-Oh, ri-right... Haha..." I pulled away from the counter for Garrett to pay. My heart was racing so fast... It was going to pop out of my chest... Why would someone joke around like that! It already takes so much of me to even speak to cashiers! After receiving our receipt and Taven and Garrett got their cups, they still talked while getting sauce and napkins, leaving me alone at the counter.

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