Chapter 7

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Jimin: "You're so beautiful." He whispers, his voice carrying a tender intensity.

YN: Her heart skips a beat at his words, her eyes locked onto his. "And you, you take my breath away."

Their gazes linger for a moment, filled with unspoken longing, before their lips meet in a gentle kiss. Their mouths move in a slow, tender dance, a silent exchange of love and desire.

Jimin: Pulling YN closer, he deepens the kiss, his hands gently cradling her face. "I've never felt like this before."

YN: Her fingers tangle in his hair, her body trembling with emotion. "Neither have I. With you, it's like... like coming home."

Their kisses grow more urgent, more desperate, as they lose themselves in each other. The world fades away, leaving only the two of them, wrapped up in their love.

Jimin: His voice husky with desire. "I want to be with you, always."

YN: Her breath catching in her throat. "I want that too, more than anything."

Jimin: His lips grazing YN's ear as he murmurs. "I've dreamt of this moment for so long."

YN: Her cheeks flushing with warmth. "Me too, Jimin. Me too."

Their fingers intertwine, holding onto each other as if afraid to let go. They lean in, their lips meeting in a fervent kiss that speaks volumes of the love they share.

Jimin: Pulling back slightly, his eyes searching hers. "I love you, YN. More than anything in this world."

YN: Her heart swelling with emotion. "I love you too, Jimin. With all that I am."

Their embrace tightens, their bodies pressed together as if trying to merge into one. In this moment, nothing else matters but the love they feel for each other, a love that transcends time and space.

Jimin: Whispering against her lips. "You're my everything."

YN: Her voice barely above a breath. "And you're mine."


YN: Her voice quivering with fear, barely audible. "It... it's back. The shadow is back!"

Jimin's eyes widen in alarm, his heart lurching with concern as he sees the terror etched on YN's face.

Jimin: Urgently, his voice laced with worry. "Stay right here, YN. Don't move."

He leaps out of bed, his senses on high alert as he scans the room for any sign of the ominous presence that has haunted them before. But as he steps into the darkness, a sense of foreboding hangs heavy in the air, leaving both YN and Jimin on the edge of an uncertain fate...

Jimin's heart pounds in his chest as he searches the room, every shadow morphing into a potential threat. He reaches for the light switch, flicking it on with a trembling hand. The sudden brightness floods the room, banishing the darkness, but there's no sign of the shadow.

Jimin: Breathing heavily, his eyes darting around the room. "It's... it's gone. There's nothing here, YN."

Relief washes over YN as she clings to Jimin, her body trembling with the remnants of fear.

YN: Her voice shaking. "But... but I saw it, Jimin. I felt it."

Jimin wraps his arms around her, pulling her close as he presses a reassuring kiss to her forehead.

Jimin: Softly. "I believe you, YN. But for now, let's try to get some rest. We'll figure this out together in the morning."

With a sense of trepidation still lingering in the air, they settle back into bed, finding solace in each other's embrace. But as they drift off to sleep, the shadow of uncertainty looms overhead, casting a long shadow over their fragile peace...

As YN and Jimin close their eyes, seeking refuge in the comfort of sleep, a figure lingers in the shadows just beyond their window. The silhouette remains obscured, blending seamlessly with the darkness of the night.

Unseen by the unsuspecting couple, the shadowy presence watches them with an intensity that sends shivers down their spine. Its eyes, if it had any, gleam with an otherworldly light, fixated on YN and Jimin as they drift into slumber.

With a whispered hiss, the shadowy figure fades back into the night, its intentions veiled in mystery. As YN and Jimin succumb to the embrace of sleep, unaware of the looming danger that lurks just beyond their sight, the darkness of the night holds secrets that may soon come to light...


THE END.........?

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