❤️The Doors entities Love interests❤️

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🏳️‍🌈In honor of Pride month🏳️‍🌈

Guiding light-Had a crush on Guiding light since childhood

Glitch-Nervous around him

Figure-Loves him

Glitch-Seek Tried to make up for killing his parents at the lab

Rush-Screech Gave up his crush on Rush after he rejected him

Timothy-Screech Decided to date him instead

Claim-Likes him

Dupe-Dupe gave up on liking Rebound because he already had Claim

But soon,Dupe confessed to Rebound and are now a couple

(He and Claim share Rebound now)

Greed-Been friends with him since childhood

Greek-Greek is Still trying to earn his trust

(Headcanon:Matcher is bisexual but he gets nervous around Boys after an incident with his ex-boyfriend,Lyro)

Dupe-Likes him

A-60-Plays around with him but he likes it

A-120-Is calm with him

Blink-She has the same powers as her

Greed-Is bisexual but likes Both Overseer and Matcher

Rush-They have the same power and love each other

Jack-he Is sort of a friend to her,but she likes him anyway

Hide-Jack lives In the closet with hide and is also his companion

Glitch-Likes to play pranks with him and on players

Rush-He is very silly and likes to talk with Rush when he is out of the closet

Ambush-He likes to hang out with her

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