Guilty? (As Sin)

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It was a stunning day, the sun bright and high in the sky and there was even a cool, reassuring breeze to break some of the heat of the summer. Undeniably, it was the perfect day to be at the beach. Especially when the beach was on a private island that your rich boyfriend just happened to have a summer vacation home on. You know, the usual.

Jack had his hand over his eyes, squinting unhappily at the stretch of sand and unending blue of the ocean. He was in his dark swimsuit, not willing to risk a sunburn. His friends were already on the beach, setting up blankets and coolers, as well as a large umbrella, much to his relief. From this distance, he could see his boyfriend running along the beach and grinning hugely, a cheap plastic bucket in his hands full of kid’s shovels and sand castle molds. 

He could almost roll his eyes if he wasn’t too busy taking in the lean, muscular form that was on full display since Falin had chosen to forgo a shirt for this beach trip. Honestly, the sight was so nice that Jack was willing to call this a damn good day just for that alone. 

Approaching the group, Jack set down his carefully stocked baskets of food onto the blanket under the umbrella. Beside him, Karly let out a squeal of happiness and began digging through it, pulling things out and handing it to the other glutton of the group, Xirem. 

“Honestly,” Jack drawled, rolling his eyes. “You two act like we didn’t just have breakfast.”

“Gotta stay fueled up, Jackie! Those waves aren’t gonna wait for us.” Karly quipped, taking a bite of a sandwich and flicking him off.

“Fueling up!” Xirem agreed happily, his cheeks already stuffed.

Jack stuck his tongue out at both of them, taking a seat in one of the armchairs. It somehow already had sand in it, but Jack didn’t care as he situated himself safely in the shade. To his left, Sylvester was applying sunscreen onto the parts of his skin that showed. If Jack could be considered modestly dressed, Sylvester was trying to make sure he remained a stranger to the sun. There was hardly any skin showing for him to put any sunscreen on.

“Need some?” Sylvester asked, raising an eyebrow at Jack.

“I’m good for now,” Jack said, holding his hand up as he relaxed. His eyes immediately sought out his boyfriend.

However, he didn’t need to look far as an annoyingly familiar voice teasingly called out, “Oh, Jackie, don’tcha wanna put some sunscreen on me?”

Falin came running from the side, still holding that stupid pail of cheap toys as he wrapped his arms around Jack. His skin smelled like the sea and sun, and it took everything in Jack not to melt right there like a popsicle in the heat. Instead, he gritted his teeth and groaned, doing his best to seem annoyed.

“Absolutely not, do it yourself.” Jack huffed, pushing at Falin’s bare chest and pretending his hand wasn’t lingering to get a proper feel of his skin. 

“Aww, come on. At least do my back for me.” He teased, his grin unmoving even in the face of Jack’s attitude. After all, Falin knew him better than anyone. 

So, of course, with a roll of his eyes, Jack allowed Falin to sit on the blanket between his legs as he took the bottle of sunscreen and squirted some on his hands. It was refreshingly cold, and Jack didn’t even hesitate to slap it onto Falin’s back, causing the other man to yelp and reach back to smack at Jack’s hand. Jack didn’t even bother to hide his amused chuckles, grinning at his own antics as he got serious and actually started to smear the sunscreen on Falin’s back.

The cool sunscreen immediately heated up and melted into Falin’s sun warmed skin, and Jack found himself getting a little lost in the moment as he ran his hands over the familiar skin on Falin’s back. He kept applying more as needed, being sure to completely cover his boyfriend’s pale, delicate skin, knowing the albino would have hell to pay for in this summer sun without it.

But he also did it a bit for himself. Despite all the times he’d touched Falin already, he couldn’t help but treasure any opportunities to reunite his hands with the body he loved. The tension in Falin’s muscles, the surprising broadness of his back, the light freckles on his shoulders… Jack was entranced by it all, his hands claiming it with every swipe of the sunscreen.

Discreetly, under the guise of still adding more sunscreen onto his boyfriend’s back, Jack started using his fingers to just barely write his name into the skin. He wrote it over and over, trailing his hands over Falin’s back and going as low as he could.

“That’s your name. You're writing it onto my back.” Falin’s voice, quiet and serious, broke Jack out of his thoughts and back into the present.

“What?” He said, his fingers immediately breaking formation and resuming the standard swiping motion of adding sunscreen. After a moment, he pulled his hands back.

Falin turned as he took his hands off, a shit-eating grin on his face that made Jack glare at him a little. “No need to be shy. You’re free to claim me however much you want.” 

A slight flush came to Jack’s cheeks despite his annoyed expression, always caught off-guard when Falin said cheesy stuff like that. With a more knowing smile, Falin shifted some more between Jack’s legs and brought his arm up. He pressed a kiss to Jack’s knee as he traced the word ‘mine’ into the smooth fabric of the swim trunks covering Jack’s upper thigh. 

Heat raised to Jack’s face and he scoffed, rolling his eyes to the side to avoid the way Falin’s eyes were looking up at him. Instead of taking offense, Falin just gave a happy laugh and started clambering to stand up. Lovingly, Falin pressed a kiss to Jack’s temple before snatching up the pail of toys and running back down the beach with a whoop, laughing like he had the whole world in his hands. 

God, Jack loved him so fucking much it almost hurt to breathe. 


AU Idea where Falin and gang are normal high school kids and nothing has gone wrong in their life ever. Falin as Falin, EJ as Eyeless Jack, Slender and Sylvester, Karlyah as Karly, and Xirem is one of my own OC's!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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