𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳**

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"Hm... probably California. Always wanted to see the ocean and Los Angeles. I would read about it all the time in the magazines my parents bought when I was younger. It always seemed so otherworldly..." 

My head was rested against Joel's back as I answered his question of where I would have traveled first if the outbreak hadn't happened. We've been riding for a few hours now and asking each other random questions was the only thing we could think of to pass the time. It's my turn to ask the question. 

"Ok... what was your life like before the outbreak?"

There's a long silence which makes me think I shouldn't have asked that question - I know he doesn't like to get too personal about his life, but if I'm going to be stuck with him, I'd like to know something . After a few awkward moments, he sighs and, to my surprise, answers.

"It was good. Lived in Texas with Tommy and...my daughter..."

I raise my head from off his back and sit frozen in shock and confusion at hearing that he has a daughter. If I didn't know anything about Joel before, I feel like I know even less now - though I quiet my curiosity and allow him to continue so I don't ask something stupid.

"It was hard at times but we were happy. I'd give anything to get that back... to get Sarah back." His voice trails off and he seems to be lost in a thought. 

Get Sarah back?  His words feel heavy with unspoken grief and my heart sinks as I think about what must have happened. Guilt creeps in, and I regret asking - I knew Joel must have dealt with some tough shit, but never did I think he had a daughter, let alone a deceased one. His harsh demeanour and wall that he's built around him isn't because he's a dick - it's because of Sarah.

Before I can apologise, he straightens his back and quickly changes the subject, "Sun's startin' to set, I'll stop soon once I see somewhere we can camp for the night."

I nod my head - which I realize too late he obviously can't see - and rest my head against his back again as I watch the hills move slowly along our path. It was cold, but as the sun set, the rays of the setting sun warm my face and hands as I close my eyes, savouring the last light of the day. 

Joel pulls the reins, guiding us off the path and into the woods. We find a small clearing, the trees forming a natural shelter. I loosen my grip around his waist as he dismounts, extending his hand to help me down. I grasp his hand but I hesitate jumping as I'm so high up on this damn horse and I know I'll hurt myself somehow. Seeing my hesitation, he laughs softly, then firmly grips my waist, guiding me gently to the ground.

I curtsy playfully. He smirks, shaking his head. Our eyes linger, the moment stretching too long, before he turns away to grab our bags. I watch as he stares at the bags and furrows his brows, which prompts me to look at the bags and realise what he's looking at - my bag isn't nearly as full as his.

"Daisy, please tell me you're just really good at foldin' a sleepin' bag and you didn't just forget to pack it..." Joel asks as he sighs and places a hand on his hip, his other pushing back his hair. 

I stare blankly at the bags as I realise I usually just shove everything into my bag so yes, I did in fact forget to pack it. Too scared to admit it, I continue to stand in silence and bite my cheeks. Joel lets out a small groan and shakes his head in disappointment. "Can have mine. We'll need to find another soon, but for now just use this." He picks up his bag and throws it at my feet.

"Can't we... just share it for now?" I ask, feeling too bad to care about sleeping so close to Joel again.

He squints his eyes at me, "Are you okay with sharin'? It's small, it's gonna be tight in there."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 (Joel Miller x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now