Chapter 15 - Percy

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I sat there with Annabeth's face buried in my chest. I scooted to lean on the bed. I sat there for what felt like forever and realized Annabeth was asleep. Just thinking about sleep made my eyes heavy. My head leaned against Annabeth's and I fell to sleep. 

Dreams came and went, but one stuck to me. Me and Annabeth were playing hacky sack and I threw an apple at Annabeth and she caught it. Instead of us keep playing, Annabeth stopped and looked at me. She looked older then when we did on my first quest. She also looked like she does right now.

"So you did purpose to me," She said, "I can't believe it. Wow. Umm. Can I say yes now?" I stumbled back. "What? Wait. What do you mean? Purposed to me?" She laughed and said, "Throwing an apple at a person is an ancient Greek way to purpose to someone." I quickly smiled and said, "I think I can deal with you as a fiance." She smiled and said, "Then, Yes, I will marry you."

She and I ran to each other and kissed. I picked her up and she held my neck. I woke up and Annabeth woke up at the same time. This time, instead of a bed head frown, she was smiling so much she looked like a creepy clown. 

"Whats up with you?" I asked. "Oh just a good dream that took me to the past," She answered. "Oh really?" I said, trying to tease her, "What time? Did I purpose?" She blushed and said, "Maybe...." I smiled. "What did you say?" I asked. She couldn't stop smiling, "I said 'Yes, I will marry you.'" 

I Kissed her and said, "I had the same dream." She smiled. She kissed me again and said, "I guess this means we are engaged." I smiled even harder, "I guess so." And kissed her. 

After that, I looked at the time to see that it was the middle of the night. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I stayed with Annabeth and enjoyed her company. We were cuddling and all of a sudden I heard a lighting flash and Athena was in the room.

We are half asleep and I look up and see her. Annabeth sees her and quickly untangles herself from my arms. "What are you doing, Annabeth?" Athena says. Annabeth scoots close to me and says, "I am talking with my boyfriend, mother." Athena looks at me and says, "Uh-huh? Anything new?" I gulp and say, "Yes ma'am." She walks close to my ear and says, "If you mess things up with her, you will be gone in a blink of an eye." She walks to Annabeth and says, "I don't support your decision, but I will see how this goes." 

She disappears and Poseidon takes her place. "YO MAN! CONGRATS YOU TOO! ANNABETH YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!" He says and disappears. Annabeth buries her face in my chest and sits there and seems to go to sleep. I fall asleep and have no dreams.

I bet I had no dreams because I was with Annabeth, or it was because nothing worried me enough to have bad dreams. But either way it was nice. This time, when I woke up, she was in the kitchen, making something that smelt so good, you couldn't resist the urge to go back to sleep. 

I got up and walked to the kitchen to see blue pancakes, blue eggs, blue milk, and blue cookies on the table. I started jumping up and down until I realized Annabeth wasn't in the room. I looked around and looked behind me to see Annabeth with a camera. She smiled and put it down. 

"You made this all for me?" I asked, knowing the answer. "No, Seaweed Brain. I made it for my other boyfriend," She said sarcastic, "Of course I made this for you! Why wouldn't I?" I smiled and sat down. I ate most of the food and Annabeth got the left overs. (two pancakes, one cookie, one glass of milk, and a lot of eggs.)

I went and got dressed and brushed my teeth. I was going to surprise her with going to the beach and going to find a pearl to put on a ring. I know, why should I just assume that she wants a pearl on her ring? Well, it is a piece of me always with her, so, yeah. 

"Oh, Annabeth!" I said, "Get ready, and get a swimsuit! We are going to the beach. I will tell you more in the car." Annabeth started, "But-" and I finished, "I will tell you in the car." She rushed off and got dressed while I packed for a day at the beach. 

In the car she basically was jumping up and down. "Now tell me," she would say, "Why are we going to the beach?" I would sigh and say, "You will see." And she would argue saying, "You said that you would tell me in the car!" And I would argue back with, "I didn't say when!!" and she would huff and slouch in her chair. 

We finally arrived and I said, "For all your questions, I will now answer. We are going to pick out a pearl for your engagement ring."  Before I finished the word engagement she was out the car and getting out the beach chairs. 

I got out and helped her. She acted like she was high on caffeine. But when we got on the beach she calmed down like the waves when I stepped on the sand. We set up our stuff, (chairs, cooler, boogie boards) and went into the water holding hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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