Chapter Twenty-three: Conflict

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Viva was frantic. She'd been having the same nightmare about her father for the past three days. She didn't know why this was happening. Viva had never been a big dreamer. Could it be that she was trying to tell herself something?.....

......Nah, she was probably just nervous about the wedding and how the K-pop trolls still weren't back with Poppy. It was quite strange how long they were taking. Usually, the K-pop trolls would find and capture a troll within days.

But Poppy wasn't the average troll.

" Queen Viva?" Officer Jay whispered.

" Yeah, Jay?" Viva asked.

" I'd hate to tell you this, but..."

" But?"

".....The K-pop trolls are back." Officer Jay said.

" Oh, that's good!" Viva exclaimed." When are they bringing Poppy?"

" Well, actually, they don't have Princess Poppy." Officer Jay mumbled." They said that they would rather die than work for you again."

"....You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Viva shouted.

" Um, no, Queen Viva, I'm not -"

" I know you're not!" Viva cut Officer Jay off!" Find the K-pop trolls and kill them!"

" Um, but -"

" NOW!!"

Officer Jay immediately followed Viva's orders and scuttled away.

As they ran, Officer Jay was hit by a beam of smooth jazz, which promptly knocked them out.


When Jay woke up, they were surrounded by different types of trolls.

Including Chaz and the K-pop trolls.

" Hi! Welcome to the revolution!" Wani exclaimed." What's your name?"

" Um, uh...."

" Jay!"

Jay heard someone familiar shout their name.

The owner of the voice quickly ran up to Jay and hugged them immediately.

Upon contact, Jay instantly recognized the troll.

" L-Libby?" Jay stuttered.

" Yeah, it's me!" Libby smiled." Oh Jay, I missed you so much!"

" I missed you too! But what happened?" Jay asked." I can barely remember anything."

" Don't worry, you should regain your memory in a few minutes." Chaz said." In the meantime-"

" Do you want to help us overthrow Queen Viva?" Wani completed.

Jay stayed silent for a while.

" Mmmmmmmm.....Yeah," Jay answered." Sure, why not."

" Great! " Wani exclaimed." That's the last troll!"

" The last one I hypnotized anyway." Chaz muttered under his breath.

" So wait, how are we gonna overthrow Queen Viva?" Jay wondered.

" I don't know." Wani said.

" That's for Princess Poppy to decide."

. . .

" We're here?" Poppy asked." Already?"

" Yeah," Bruce said." You tend to get to places fast when you don't have any detours."

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