Chapter 15

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Max's head shifted slightly, his subconscious trying to find a more comfortable position. He adjusted again, thinking the pillow was both soft and oddly uncomfortable. His body relaxed into the warmth.

A distinct scent wafted into his nose, something familiar yet elusive. It was like the scent of a summer evening after a heavy rain, mixed with the lingering sweetness of childhood memories. It was a blend of something soft and electric...

a sex toy?

What the fuck is wrong with his brain really?

As his senses slowly sharpened, he realized the smell was uniquely comforting.

His ears gradually picked up the gentle hum of some old jazz song playing softly in the background. It was one of Lewis's playlists.

Max stirred as the car came to a halt, jolting him out of his half-conscious state. Through blurry vision, he could make out the familiar silhouette of the car and the figures of Lewis and Seb in front.

His eyes fluttered open, and he took in his surroundings. The sight before him gradually became clearer: Lewis behind the wheel, Seb by his side, and the car parked in a driveway.

Max felt a pressure on the top of his head, a weight that made him more aware of his position. He flicked his gaze upwards and saw a mop of hair resting against his own. Confused, he glanced down at himself and saw that his legs were stretched out on the seat behind Lewis, his body inclined towards the other side.

The realization dawned on him slowly. He was lying on someone's shoulder. His hazy mind started to piece things together, and he shifted his gaze towards the weight, his eyes widening in recognition. It was Charles.

Panic set in, and with a sudden burst of energy, Max hastily pushed Charles away. The movement was awkward, given their positions, but the intent was clear. Charles stirred awake, startled by the abrupt shove, his head colliding with the side of the window and Max quickly pulled away, his heart pounding with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"Ow, what the fuck" Charles muttered, rubbing his head with a grimace of discomfort.

Charles's face contorted with anger as he sat up straight, still rubbing the spot where his head had hit the window. "What the hell is wrong with you, Max?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the car. "Do you have any idea how to wake someone up without causing a concussion?"

Max, with a permanent scowl etched on his face, shoved the car door open and stepped out into the driveway. "I didn't ask to be your fucking pillow, Charles," he shot back in a disinterested tone.

Charles hurriedly lowered his window glass and poked his head out, his frustration boiling over. "You were the one drooling all over my shoulder. Get over yourself, asshole!"

Max paid no attention to Charles and started walking towards the house, his steps deliberate and his expression set in stone.

"Yeah, run away, scaredy-cat!" Charles yelled behind him, his voice cracking slightly from the lingering sleepiness. His words hung in the air, childish and desperate.

Max's lips twitched into a smirk he couldn't hide as he kept walking. It was always amusing when Charles tried to hurl insults while half-asleep.

"Fuckface," Charles grumbled, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut, still nursing the spot on his head.

Seb and Lewis, who had witnessed the entire ordeal from the front seats, sighed in unison.

"Do you think we made a mistake?" Lewis asked, his voice low and laced with doubt as he turned to Seb.

Seb ran a hand through his hair, already feeling the stress of the trip settling in. "Coming on this trip? No. Having those two little shits as kids? Definitely. I can already feel a migraine catching up to me," he replied, shaking his head.

Lewis chuckled softly, despite himself. "Yeah, well, too late to return them now. We're stuck with these little shits for life."

Seb laughed, a short, tired laugh. "Guess we'll just have to survive this trip without those two killing each other. Think we can manage that?"

Lewis gave him a wry smile. "Here's hoping."

They both stepped out of the car, bracing themselves for the chaos that was sure to follow them into the farmhouse.

What they didn't realize was that they were the ones following the chaos. First, they took out the luggage, stacking it haphazardly near the entrance. Lewis then parked the car at a suitable spot, making sure it was out of the way but still accessible. Meanwhile, Seb watched the boys with a critical eye, already sensing the trouble brewing.

"We're too old for this shit," Seb muttered to Lewis, stretching his back.

Lewis chuckled. "Agreed. This is supposed to be our vacation too. Let's make them haul the luggage inside. They owe us for all the trouble they're bound to cause."

Seb nodded. "Plus, it'll keep them busy for a while. Maybe they'll tire themselves out."

With that plan in mind, they headed towards the farmhouse, leaving the luggage for later. As they approached, they noticed the house had an eerie stillness to it, a stark contrast to the chaos that was about to ensue.

Upon entering, the sight that greeted them was nothing short of a disaster zone. White, dusty sheets were strewn across the floor, remnants of their former positions draped over furniture now lying haphazardly. A bookshelf had been knocked over, its contents spilled out in a chaotic spread. Books lay everywhere, some with pages bent and covers askew.

The curtain that once covered the floor-to-ceiling windows was no longer in place. Instead, it was a crumpled heap on the floor, resembling a haphazard tent with what seemed like two figures struggling beneath it.

Seb rubbed his temples. "What the hell happened here?"

Lewis narrowed his eyes at the figures beneath the curtain, recognizing the familiar outlines. "Is that...?"

The curtain shifted and fell, revealing Max and Charles entangled in the dusty fabric. Both were struggling to extricate themselves, their movements only making the situation worse.

Seb sighed, exchanging a knowing look with Lewis. "I think we might have made a mistake."

Lewis shook his head. "Coming on this trip? No. Having those two little shits as kids? Definitely."

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