Trust Me. A Mindless Behavior Love Story.

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Torielle Parker, 15 Years Old, lives in New York, Queens to be exact. She was born and raised there. Attended Grove Hill Ementary and is currently a sophmore at Edgehill Middle school. Well, used to be. Torielle's about to move to Sacremento, California. Cali isn't exactly her cup of tea, being brought up in the hood and finds hard adjusting just as any other teenager would in new enviroment, but Tori's story is different. At 6 years old, she was drugged and raped by her own father who left the next day. The police never caught him, he was still roaming the streets for his next victim. Ever since then, Torielle has had trust issues. sometimes She can't even trust her own mother or twin brother. She shuts people out, whenever the try and help her. This attitude isnt going to help her get very far, but maybe the one person who is able to get through to her lives is Sacramento.

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