Chapter eight - Landon

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I swear I didn't know it was her. At first glance, she definitly was the hottest girl in that room. My plan was to flirt with that girl and maybe fuck her after the game tonight, until I realized that it was her.

Girls never shut me down or ever protested when I was flirting with them. They never move when I sit next to them. That's what made me so mad at Becca.

I was well aware that she thought I was attractive, so why was she resisting? Why was she trying to deny it?

It made me furious and intrigued at the same time. She looked banging and all I wanted to do when I sat next to her was to do just that, bang her.

I didn't even care if it would have been right there, in front of everyone. She looked too good in that tight shirt for her own best. The smell of her usual vanilla perfume made my cock twitch. Since when did she look like this?

Even when she wore those fucking hoodies, she still looked good. I've thought about her ever since I met her at the corridors the first day of school and she wouldn't get out of my head. I told myself that it was the chock from meeting her here so unexpected, but maybe it wasn't.

I had thought that if I did something mean again, that she would start avoiding me and I would stop thinking about her, but all I felt was guilt. I never felt guilt. Not anymore, anyway.

Sitting there, a few seats away from her, I had made my mind up. I was going to fuck her and then, just like all the other girls I've fucked, never speak to her again.

After the class was over I had a few hours to chill before the game tonight. I was texting a girl that I had met on my way back to the frat house that I had invited to the afterparty.

She was so easy and that's what made it so boring with some girls. They don't even try to be a little hard to get, they just go along with everything I say.

Even though most of the girls are like this nowadays, I still love fucking them.

The door smashed open and Jackson came in, one from out team and also one of my fratmates. "What's popping?" He said and threw himself at my bed.

"Nothing much." I said after a while because I was still texting that girl. I can't focus on two things at the same time.

I turned my phone off and got up from my bed. Jackson is seriously annoying and I wanted to cut whatever he wanted, short.

"Okay, want to play mario cart with me?" I looked his way and he had a big smile across his face.

"Nah, not feeling it."

"Aren't you a man with lots to say today." He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at his words and opened the doors in a swift move. I made a clicking noise with my mouth and pointed toward the door as a sign that I want him to leave me alone.

"Come on bro, let's do something!" He begged.

"I want to relax before the game, is that a crime?" I said in a harsh tone. I didn't mean for it to come out that way but I'm not going to apologize.

"No... I guess not. You've just been different this year. Even more laidback than before." He said and started walking toward the door.

I knew that he was right. It was because of her. She was making me so mad, even worse that I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was on my mind, even when I was talking to other girls. I wanted to taste her lips, I wanted her on my dick and I wanted to be near her. Even if it was to piss her off or to flirt with her.

Jackson took one last glance at me before exiting. I got back onto my bed and started texting that girl again.

About two hours later later, I was sitting on the bench drinking water, taking a pause from the warm up to think.

Since I was the captain, I was sure as hell going to win this. After all, the team and the coach counted on me. The whole school counted on me.

It made me pissed even thinking about it. Of course I wanted to be captain but I had other shit going on too. I didn't feel like spending every last minute of spare time into practice, but I couldn't back out now. The whole reason that I go to UCLA is because I play.

I took a peak up at the stands where the crowd had started to fill up, excitement and anxiousness loading up in my stomach. The sound of a textmessage interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm watching you from the stands tonight. Good luck, son!" It read.

My stomach that were just filled with excitement, instead got filled with pure rage. My dad has no right to be here. He hasn't been here for me for years. I could've bet that he didn't even know I played today.

I contemplated sending a nasty message back, but decided against it. Instead, I turned my phone off and focused on warming up again.

A moment later, I confidently stood on the field, the weight of leadership heavy on my shoulders, forgetting everything else around me. As the coach called out to play, I surveyed the defense, analyzing their formation with a sharp focus. With just a quick snap, the ball was in my hands. In that moment, everything slowed down.

I scanned the field, the recievers sprinting downfields, searching for an opening in the defense. I could hear my sharp intake when I, with precision and determination, launched the ball. Spiriling through the air toward my target, the sound of the crowd faded into the background as my throw connected perfectly, landing in the reciever's hands in a seamless display of teamwork and skill.

My heart was racing with adrenaline as I continued to watch the play unfold, knowing that each pass, each decision, was crucial in shaping the outcome of the game.

By the time it was halftime, all I could concentrate on was to try and control my breathing. I took the towel from the bench and wiped my face as and chugged water. The towel that were newly washed, wasn't that dry anymore. We only had half a hour left and I was getting more anxious by the minute. We were under with 2 points. We definitely needed to step up our game if we wanted to win this. I looked up at the stands, only to see most people from our collage looking both disappointed and thrilled. I've got to keep my head in the game.

When the game continued with intensity, I led my team down the field, each play bringing us closer and closer to victory. With determination sparkling in my eyes, I once again scanned the defense, searching for an opening to exploit.

The clock ticked down and the crowd's cheers eachoed in my head. As the final seconds appeoached, I took the snap, my heart pounding harder than it ever has. With a quick step back, I launched the ball towards the end zone, the fate of the game hanging in the balance.

The ball soared through the air, reaching its destination as the time expired. The crowd erupted in cheers as my pass was caught for a game-winning touchdown, securing a hard-fought victory for our team.

The joy and relief on my face were most likely palpable as I ran through the field, my teammates running after me and jumping at my back. Our hard work and perservance had paid off in the end. I looked up at the bleachers once again, eating it all up.

All I saw were people from a collage, a few people I've hooked up with and some fans I recognize.

Suddenly, my eyes caught a familiar girl in the crowd. She was standing, but wasn't cheering. She wasn't even looking at the field. She was on her phone about something and had a confused look on her face. I stood there and watched her for a couple of seconds. Then, her eyes scanned the place before landing on mine.

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