91-100 (end of text)

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chapter 91

On the evening when Fu Lanyu and Qiao Yunzheng traveled through time, it rained in C City, and the sky was overcast, as if the end of the world was coming.

At that time, the two were playing a game online with Jing He. The game was disconnected halfway through, and they traveled through time silently.

Unexpectedly, this time, the game and the real world were connected not only in time, but also

in the weather. When Fu Lanyu opened her eyes again, she vaguely heard the sound of raindrops, but her vision was pitch black and she could not see anything.

She subconsciously wanted to sit up, but unexpectedly, her head hit a hard object and she immediately lay back down.

She was silent for a while, raised her hand and touched around, but she only touched a hard wooden board, and there was no space next to it. Only she could lie here.

Such a narrow and square structure could only remind her of one place.

... She was trapped in a coffin.

The oxygen in the coffin was thin, and it was inevitable to feel chest tightness and shortness of breath after staying there for a while. She tried to push the coffin lid open, but it was too heavy and difficult to move with her strength.

It should be possible to change another man, but Qiao Yunzheng was not here.

She calmed her breath and was about to make another effort, but suddenly she heard the dull sound of the coffin lid moving, and a moment later, cold wind mixed with raindrops poured into the coffin.

Someone is coming.

The sudden fresh air made Fu Lanyu feel lucky to have survived a disaster. She just took two breaths and felt her waist tighten. The other person gently carried her out of the coffin.

Who else could it be but Qiao Yunzheng?

"I'm sorry, I'm a step late." He whispered in her ear to apologize, "The coffin is too heavy, and it took me some time."

"It doesn't matter, I knew you would come sooner or later."

Fu Lanyu hugged his neck to gain strength to stand firm, and then began to concentrate on observing the surroundings.

The coffin she was in was obviously very old, with the paint peeling off. Next to the coffin stood an oil-paper umbrella with a rune painted in the middle of the umbrella. She didn't know what it was used for.

She looked inside the coffin and found that she hadn't seen it before. There was a wooden sheathed dagger placed at the bottom of her feet. When she pulled it out, she found a blade engraved with runes.

The most bizarre thing was that her name and surname were engraved on the wooden handle: Fu Lanyu.

She had never encountered such a situation before, and was a little surprised: "Is this my knife?"

"I have one too." Qiao Yunzheng pointed to the dagger on his waist, which was also engraved with his name and surname. "It seems that in this game, the system distributes weapons according to people."

It is conceivable that this will not be a good thing. There must be a trap waiting behind.

Fu Lanyu opened the umbrella to block the rain falling on her head. She took two steps forward and found that there was another coffin in front of her. Together with hers and Qiao Yunzheng's, there were three in total.

There were only three coffins here. Except for the land under their feet, the surroundings were covered by thick fog. Nothing could be seen, as if they were shrouded by some invisible barrier.

She approached the last coffin and looked at Qiao Yunzheng. The two stood on one side of the coffin and pushed the coffin lid open a gap.

Almost at the same time, a slender white hand stretched out and tightly grasped the edge of the coffin.

... This really looked a bit like the opening shot of some horror movies.

It was a woman's hand, with shiny starry black nails, a faded red rope bracelet on her wrist, and a letter "Z" engraved on the gold pendant of the bracelet.

I have to say, it looked familiar.

Fu Lanyu was staring at the bracelet, wondering where he had seen it before. The next second, he saw a woman in a black casual suit, stepping on cool riveted short boots, slowly crawling out of the coffin.

The woman was obviously a little short of oxygen. She took a deep breath for a long time before she recovered, and then turned her head and looked at the two people standing here very vigilantly.

"You guys... huh?"

When their eyes met, she was stunned, and so was Fu Lanyu.

They both spoke at the same time.

"Ms. Fu?"

"Ms. Cheng?"

This was the female player named Cheng Yuan whom Fu Lanyu had met in the gold league six or seven years ago. At that time, Cheng Yuan was determined to form an alliance with her, and her attitude was ambiguous, so she even doubted it.

Later, she found out that it was because she looked like Cheng Yuan's sister who died in the game.

The "Z" engraved on Cheng Yuan's bracelet was the initials of her sister Cheng Zhi's name.

Cheng Yuan promised that from now on, she would do her best to protect every girl like Cheng Zhi she met in the game, because that was her hope for survival.

So much time has passed in a flash, and time has been very tolerant to Cheng Yuan. Except for the ponytail of her short hair and a shallow scar on her forehead, the rest has not changed at all. She is still the capable and heroic beauty.

She was shocked and said, "Is it really you? We can meet each other for the second time in the game?"

Fu Lanyu also felt incredible: "I didn't expect that we would encounter such a chance."

Generally speaking, in the system's huge database, the probability of players traveling to the same game for the second time is less than one in ten thousand.

At that time, they parted in the golden game, and both sides regarded it as a chance encounter. After exchanging good wishes, they were already prepared to never see each other again in this life.

Who knew that after so many years, they could meet each other again in a mysterious way. This kind of fate is like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is probably impossible to ask for.

"I'm so glad that you are still alive." This is Cheng Yuan's sincere words. She stepped out of the coffin and hugged Fu Lanyu gently and comforted. "You and Mr. Qiao are indeed the most tacit partners. I thought so back then."

She has traveled through too many games, and she has also formed alliances, calculated, and betrayed in order to finally pass the level. She has seen all kinds of players, and some of them have even reported their names to each other, but most of them have forgotten them as soon as they turned their heads.

Only Qiao Yunzheng and Fu Lanyu, she always remembered their surnames and their appearances.

It's not just because Fu Lanyu looks like her sister Cheng Zhi, but also because there is a strange power in these two people. She believed at the beginning that they would be able to work together to pass the level.

"Seeing that you are still fine now, I am also very happy." Fu Lanyu patted her back and said in a gentle tone, "That's good. We don't have to worry about who to ally with. The three of us can work together sincerely again."

"The problem is that there seems to be no other players except the three of us." Qiao Yunzheng calmly said, "There are only three coffins and only three people. I have never seen a platinum game with no competitors."

After a brief joy, Cheng Yuan finally let go of Fu Lanyu. She looked around and her expression gradually became serious.

"I have heard that this is a special level in the system, that is, the three survivors are determined at the beginning, and we only need to pass the level, avoiding the step of killing each other - there is another type, there is no traditional quota of survivors, all players are screened, and only one can survive in the end."

Fu Lanyu sighed: "I know that one of our friends has drawn the latter level."

If not, with Gu Mochi's strength, it would not be easy to lose in the game.

That might also be the only time his luck was unbalanced in all these years of traveling through time.

Because he wanted Bai Sheng to live.

Cheng Yuan said: "Although we don't have to kill each other this time, it's not too good. The more this kind of level, the higher the difficulty. In other words, it's probably a situation that three people can't handle alone."

"It doesn't matter." Fu Lanyu answered calmly, "We have encountered many miracles in these years. There is no point in being afraid. Just go all out."

"That's right, at least when the three of us get together, the chances of winning will always be higher."

There is trust and tacit understanding between the strong.

At this time, Qiao Yunzheng patted Fu Lanyu's shoulder lightly. She turned around and found that the fog in front of her sight had dissipated a little, revealing a path leading to a farther distance.

It seems that all three coffins have been opened, and the hint for the next level has come.

Cheng Yuan also held up an umbrella and picked up the dagger with her name engraved on it. The three walked along the path, only to feel that the fog on both sides was like a wall, leaving them only this narrow space for them to pass through, silently brewing unknown fear.

The drizzle was still falling, and the light in my sight gradually became clearer, but this light was quite strange. When I got closer to Fu Lanyu, I realized that it was the light of red lanterns.

In front of me appeared a bustling market full of big red lanterns.

That's right, it was not an illusion, it was really a market, and you could find something similar in reality, which was only open late at night. All kinds of vendors set up stalls to attract customers, filled with a wide variety of small objects and hawking sounds.

At this time, the vendors seemed to be shouting hard, and the passers-by were also bargaining with the vendors.

...Although in reality, no sound could be heard.

It was like a pantomime.

At the entrance of the market, a red line was drawn with a color similar to blood.

Outside the red line stood a man. He was wearing white linen clothes, a pair of white shoes, and his face was also covered with thick makeup, frozen in a grinning expression.

His smile was too stiff and weird, not like a human, but like a puppet.

He held a wooden fish in his left hand and a hammer in his right hand, beating them rhythmically.

At his feet, there was a wooden sign with four sentences written on it with a brush:

One person walks this way, three people open its box.

Hold an umbrella without getting your clothes dirty, don't look back when the ghost calls you.

What exactly does it mean? The strange NPC in front of them couldn't speak, and there was no way to explain it to them.

They could only understand it by themselves.

"The first and second sentences mean that we can only pass through this market alone, and we can open a clue box after all three of us have passed?" Cheng Yuan said, "What about holding an umbrella without getting your clothes dirty?"

Fu Lanyu guessed: "Maybe it means that we must hold an umbrella after entering the market, and we can't let anything get on our clothes."

As for "don't look back when the ghost calls you", she had experienced it before.

No matter how the ghost tempts and calls you from behind, you must never look back. If you look back, you will be killed. This is a very old folk legend.

The problem now is who will enter the market first and clear the way for the other two.

"Why don't I..."

"I'll go first." Qiao Yunzheng interrupted her without hesitation, "Girls shouldn't be the first to take the lead. I'll wait for you at the end of the market."

After that, he held the oil-paper umbrella above his head and resolutely stepped into the red line at the entrance.

The author has something to say: ※※I made up the prompt words. I can't find the source and it doesn't rhyme, but it can't be moved. ※※

Who would have thought that Miss Cheng Yuan would appear again?

(Friendly reminder: If you forget who Cheng Yuan is, it is recommended to revisit the sixth volume of The Shining Hotel. She is the handsome sister who was mistaken by Brother Yun for liking Sister Lan)v

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