012 mr kreese and the cement mixer.

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 ( chapter twelve )

"What do you think? Shithead One and Shithead Two?" Eli questioned, staring at Mitch and Chris, the two boys from the day before

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"What do you think? Shithead One and Shithead Two?" Eli questioned, staring at Mitch and Chris, the two boys from the day before. Syd rolled her eyes, smiling lightly at the teasing. She couldn't realistically seeing anyone being willing to put up with being called that. "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat." Aisha replied, causing Eli to laugh. Bert smiled lightly as the boy who'd opened the door, Chris, spoke up. "Well, I'm Chris—"

"Did I say you could speak?" Eli snapped, immediately shutting Chris down. Syd rolled her eyes as Miguel walked over, patting Chris on the shoulder. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you."

"Thanks, man." Chris smiled. "Besides, everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag." Miguel finished, moving to stand with Eli. Syd scoffed, laughing lightly. "You're a different kind of evil."

The other boy, Mitch, looked at Chris. "Dibs on Assface."

Suddenly the bell to the door rung, causing Syd to look past the two boys confused as she watched an older man walk in with a duffle bag. She watched as everyone else began to notice him, slowly all turning to the man as he looked right back at the teens. "Jesus Christ."

"Who's that?" Eli questioned to Miguel, looking at the boy. "I don't know." Miguel replied and they all just kept watching until Miguel decided to go up to the man. "I'm gonna miss him." Syd frowned, immediately getting lightly elbowed by Eli as the boy quietly laughed.

"Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?" Miguel questioned. The man just looked him up and down before smiling. "No. But maybe I can help you." Syd then turned around as Sensei Lawrence came in. "Hey."

Miguel turned to the man as well, confused. "Uh, Sensei..." The older man moved past Miguel and straight to Sensei Lawrence, the two of them beginning a quiet conversation Syd couldn't hear. "I hate when they whisper, I never know what's happening." Syd frowned, turning back to face her friends. "I'm pretty sure that's the point." Aisha laughed and Syd just rolled her eyes playfully, brushing the comment off.

"Maybe that's Sensei's dad." Eli theorized, still able to see the two even when facing the group. Syd shook her head. "No way. I don't see it." Miguel moved back to the group, frowning. "Couldn't be. Sensei told me he lived with his stepdad cause he never knew his dad. He obviously knows this guy."

"Well then I'm out of guesses." Eli replied. Syd laughed a bit at the boy. "You make one guess and you give up?" He scoffed lightly, turning to the girl. "I don't see you voicing any new theories."

The two then began to bicker back and forth, each going on about how unhelpful the other one was in the quest to know who that man was. "All I'm saying is giving up after one theory defeats the purpose of theorizing." Syd shrugged, smiling lightly as the two moved to their spots in the front to be ready for class even as they continued their back and forth. "And all I'm saying is you can't judge the amount of guesses I make when you won't even guess yourself." Eli replied.

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