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Boothill POV:

His boots echoed on the tiled floors as he walked into the casino. His head hung low, the brim of his hat blocking his face; keeping his identity a mystery. The badges of his top swayed with every step he took and he slid into the seat at the bar smoothly.

"One cup of whiskey please." he requested from the bartender before sliding some credits over the counter. He glanced around the room, the dim lights reflecting off the metallic plates of his arm. Scanning the room for his target. 'A man in a black tux with a blue flower in his pocket. One of the executives of the IPC, if you get rid of him; the reward will be a lot. As always.' is what his contractor had said.

Boothill spotted him near a pool table a few meters away, "perfect" he thought. Taking a swig out of his glass, Boothill checked his revolver for his bullets.

six bullets

He stuffed it back in his holster and glanced over again, the man had gotten up and was making his way over to what Boothill could assume was the bathroom. He took it as his time to mkae a move, the only problem was that two other men also followed his target. "guards" he muttered in annoyance.

Nothing he couldn't handle but this place was packed with security, one mishap and he was done for. "no time like the present" he sighed before following the men down the corridor to the bathroom. Once it was clear, he quickly pulled his revolver out and shot both guards before ducking into the toilet area.

"oh hey mister" Boothill said as he bumped into the executive, who was trying to escape. "where ya' goin' ?" The man began to beg for his life but Boothill just yawned and aimed his revolver at his head, "you had this comin' fudger" and he pulled the trigger. Surely the 3 explosion of his gun had drawn the attention of the other guards at the casino and they began to close in on the bathroom.

"Time to go" Boothill muttered to himself again before dashing out the bathroom door and running towards one of the doors, jumping out the window and escaping the scrambling guards. Leaning against the wall in an alley, he pulled out his phone and called his contractor to let them know the job was done. His phone pinged letting him know he was paid. "700,000 credits. what should i do with it?" he asked himself.

Boothill began to walk back towards a more crowded area, "I'll just gamble a bit..." The lights from the building shone in his eyes and his pulled his hat down slightly. Laughter and the sound of chatter filled the air, the sound of people having fun. A little family, had just walked past him, the child talking excitedly to his parents. A deep sadness emerged in Boothill's chest, the event occurred almost a decade ago but the pain he felt was still fresh.

"oh darlin' how i wish you and little miss were here..." he thought to himself. He continued to push through the crowd towards a bar. Suddenly, a body collided with his, "I'm so sorry, excuse me please." a voice sounded and he froze.

Boothill thought he'd never ever hear that voice again..but he couldn't right? That person was no longer here..right? He felt his mechanical body start to overheat, his cooling fans whirring a little harder. The core in his chest pulsated as if it were his heart, was it her?

He turned around, staring at the back of the figure who was about to walk away. "Y-Y/n?"

__________________________________________________________________ hey guyss, sorry it was so short. maybe the next chaoter might be longer? idk, first time writing in a while lol. how was the first chapter for you tho?

Written In the Stars (Boothill x reader)Where stories live. Discover now