Picnic in the Park

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...on the verge of despair.

Ring a ring a rosie.

Silently we sipped the rims of our teacups, waiting for someone to say something – but no one spoke. I just stared blandly at the people around me waiting for them to start a conversation – but no one spoke. Curiously and patiently I waited – but still no one spoke.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

I frowned. Well something was obviously wrong! Picnics are about interaction – no?

A thought slipped my mind. Oh of course! No body knew who was who! Well then – it was I who meant to be speaking! How silly of me.

Gingerly I grabbed the hand of the person next to me.

"Lilly, meet Davis. Davis meet Lilly," I stated elatedly. Surely that was meant to start conversation – yet not a sound was heard. The picnic was deathly silent. Only the soft wind could be heard as it stirred the edges of the vibrant picnic rug. I click my tongue in disappointment and let go of Lilly's limp hand.

"Well, well Davis – that's not how you're supposed to treat guests," I spoke defiantly. "Lilly deserves better treatment." I straightened my back curtly, glaring at Davis before turning to Lilly. I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. They were cold. Very cold.

A pocket full of posies.  

"I'm sorry about Davis, Lilly. He's not himself lately." She just stared at me, without a word, a blank expression on her face.

Anger boiled inside of me. I threw Lilly's hands away from me and crossed my arms.

"YOU'RE MEANT TO REPLY!" I shouted at her, anger seizing my body and taking hold. "DON'T BE SO RUDE!"

I stood up, knocking my teacup over. As it made contact with the ground it shattered into a million pieces; it's contents absorbing into the picnic rug. I stared madly at the faces surrounding me but none of them responded – none of them were even looking at me.

Rage burned inside of me.


I stormed away and headed towards the playground. It was deserted. Not a sound could be heard apart from the faint creak of the swing as the wind pushed it. I went over to the swing. It was moving as though someone had just been on it and it was finishing it's final moves.

Ashes! Ashes!

But even the swing refused to acknowledge me.

"FINE! Have it your way Bert!"

I couldn't take it. Everyone ignored me! We were meant to be interacting and having a good time! They promised me!

I'd had enough. This picnic was over.

In a huff, I rush back to the rug.

"I forgive you all," I stated, refusing to look at them. "Let's go home..."

I pushed all the teacups off the blanket and arranged them in a circular pattern on the grass; just as if we were still there – only without the rug and people! I turned back to my friends and plonked them all on the middle of the rug, before creating a bag-like shape so I could carry them home – carry them home and put it in my toybox – carry them home and wait for another time to play.

"We're all mad here."

A harsh voice whispered in my ears as we all fall




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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