Binds And Bonds

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    Anger surged through Aladrin's veins! He had just received a knee to the groin and his face sweltered to a very beet red as he perched there on his knees, hand clutching the super sensitive area! "That woman is dead!" He seethed!

    "To be fair," Tansy chimed in, "you went a little bit overboard with Raven."

    "All I was doing was reminding my future wife who her Master is!" Snapped Aladrin.

    "Raven was only providing the Dwarf Master good quality service to reflect your good name!" Tansy pleaded, blocking the doorway when Aladrin made to leave. "She wasn't acting inappropriately at all!"

    "No, but the Dwarf was paying a little bit too much attention to her!"

    "That's not Raven's fault!" Cried Tansy.

    Aladrin seethed, but suddenly, a wicked idea comes to mind. "Tell you what...since you are good friends with my future wife — if you find her first, no harm will befall her and the Dwarf King. But if I find her first....."

    Tansy was out the back door in seconds while Aladrin took to the main roads. She needed to find Raven and her Dwarf Master soon, and fast!

    Raven gaped at Thorin, unable to offer any sort of reply. She was shocked, and when her tongue didn't work, only one simple question escaped her lips. "What?" Had she heard him correctly?

    "Now bind yourself to me as my Burglar and as my wife in marriage down by the river," repeated Thorin. Yup, she heard that right.

    Terror suddenly filled her chest when Aladrin's voice carried over to them from the main road. "Citizens of Angren-Adorn, my future wife has gone missing, and I believe the person responsible for her disappearance is the Dwarf King who strolled into town last night! Help me find Raven and deliver the Dwarf's head! Head ONLY!" The people complied!

    Murder danced in Thorin's Cobalt Blue Eyes, now a very deep, rich onyx black! He mentally fantasized about pulverizing the nasty worm for talking about Raven as if she were a piece of property, not a human being! His own life was not a concern; being used to swatting bigger flys such as Azog The Defiler. But Raven's was. Crunching gravel hit his ear drums from behind! He whipped around to spot Tansy coming down the back road toward them.

    Breaking into a run when her brown eyes spotted Raven, Tansy dropped down on the ground before The Blue Wizard and graver her a hug! "Thank heaven's you're alright!" Cried the young woman.

    "Ow, Tans!" Raven gasped in pain.

    "I'm sorry, Raven," replied Tansy apologetically. "I was really worried." She tightly held onto the other woman for a few more seconds before pulling back to drink in the nasty bruises decorating The Blue Wizard's jaw, chin, neck, and....arms? — bruising cuffing her upper arms mirroring one another just above Raven's breasts, eliciting gasps from her throat when the marks bumped her sides when the shoulder joints moved to return the hug.

    "I'm going to kill him." Thorin's deep baritone sent chills down the females' spines followed by a shudder at the murderous tone in his voice. Ferocity filled him to his core and he fought to keep his shaking under control! Raven was hurt, The Blue Wizard wincing from the elicited pain of the bruises marring her beautiful ivory flesh.

    "No." Tansy interjected. "You need to take Raven and leave Angren-Adorn for good so she can heal. Aladrin wants you both dead."

    "I would kill him first," informed Thorin.

    "Raven is more important," reminded Tansy, trying to get Thorin to see reason and wait until the opportune moment to avenge his hurt woman. He knew Tansy was right. He was fighting the strong itch to put Aladrin's head on the pike!

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