He hated Perfection

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He hated perfection

He hated how his family
strived so hard for it.
David clenched his fists under the table as yet another unknown relative attempted to speak with him about the standardized private school his parents had forced him to attend.

When he realized he had been asked a question, he smoothly responded with the speech his mother had trained him to memorize about how magnificent and splendor everything was-- when really, everything was quite the opposite.

For David's hatred of perfection stimulated another hatred inside of him, but this time it was of his life.

David hated his life.

And now, as an older man who he hadn't even known was related to him spoke with him about something he absolutely despised, he realized he had had enough.

He was finished.

Without even sparing a backward glance, David turned and made his way to the door. He continued looking straight ahead the whole way out. He could feel the angry gaze of his parents; he knew they were absolutely furious with him, but that only intensified his fury and reason to escape.

When he felt a breeze of cool air fan his face, he let out a breath.

He felt free. No, he was free. Well, for now at least.

And with that, David ran. He ran past their mailbox marked Earnest; ran past the sign that marked their street; ran past all that he knew, and didn't stop until he reached an area of woods.

It was getting dark, and David didn't do too well with dark. But he wasn't scared enough that he was going to turn around.

Well, the only logical thing here to do is to climb into the unknown, dark, strange woods, David thought sarcastically.

So he did just that.

About three minutes into his oh so daring trek in the woods, David began to regret his decision.

But then he came to an area in the woods that took his breath away.

It was beautiful.

There were trees that had the most beautiful assortments of leaves. Leaves of red, orange, green, and yellow dotted the ground as well as the trees.

There was a stream nearby, David observed as the sound of running water reached his ears.

He closed his eyes and took in the air around him. Everything was perfect.

Then he did something. Something he hadn't done in years.

He smiled. And for once, it was real.

David found it.

He found a
place he could go to get
away from it all.

hey, so I won't normally have authors notes at the end of chapters, just this one and probably the last. anyways, this chapter isn't very long or good quality writing, but the other parts are longer and better so please don't judge this story by this part, I really like where I have this story going. I'm already on the last part of this story, which means I have most of this story prewritten. I'll post the next chapter once this one gets a some reads.

keep in mind, this is a short story, and there's only going to be like four chapters. some of them will be decently long, but the overall book will be kinda short. maybe I'll make it an actual story if people like it idk.

well, have a great day and I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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